5: Red hair and Cherry Blossoms

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Third Person POV; Jeon Jeongguk

The morning sun glow penetrated the soft silky curtains of Jeongguk's new room.

He shielded his eyes from the sunlight and groaned. 

Jeongguk sat up and rubbed his eyes. He felt foreign for a moment, but everything from yesterday sank in, and for once, he felt okay.

He made his way to the bathroom and stared at the mirror for a moment. Jeongguk ran his fingers through his black hair.

"I think I need to change my hair colour." he thought.

After doing his morning routine, he walked out of his room and into the small kitchen.

Jeongguk approached the fridge and peeled off the note that was stuck on its body.

To Jeongguk
I have classes until 3 today so I'll be back home in the afternoon or so. I left some money on the countertop. Feel free to use it (just don't buy any unnecessary things like extra white t shirts) Breakfast is on the table already and lunch is in the fridge. Just heat it up in the oven. Have a nice day!


Jeongguk let out a chuckle as he read her note. Did she just portrayed him as a white t-shirt fanatic who would spend money on buying plenty of white shirts?

Jeongguk folded the note and kept it in his pocket before heading to the table at the living room.

Fresh toast drizzled with honey and banana smoothie were already served on the table.

Jeongguk's heart was touched by her effort in making him breakfast. He would have had to crack his head to think of something to make for breakfast but it was sorted out for him.

It was somehow nostalgic, the feeling of food being prepared for him.

But Jeongguk could not pinpoint that feeling.

After finishing his breakfast, he washed the plates and proceeded to head to the bathroom to shower.

He wanted to go to the convenience store to get hair dye. It was a bizare thought but Jeongguk wanted to change his hair colour so badly.

After everything was done, Jeongguk exited the house and slipped in a pair of slippers (which Chiyo kindly bought him one in the convenience store yesterday) before walking out of the gates and into the streets.

It was a bright and windy day, just perfect.

Jeongguk could see kids cycling happily with their fully decorated bikes (filled with lots and lots of stickers), teenagers casually strolling around and some senior citizens having small chats while walking along the neighbourhood streets.

He shoved his hands in his pocket and continued walking down the streets.

Chiyo had pin pointed some places for Jeongguk, such as the convenience store, a local ramen store and a bookstore just in case Jeongguk needed anything.

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