14: Broken Strings

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"Jeongguk, don't go!" Chiyo shouted as she ran after after Jeongguk, who was running away from her, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Come chase me!"

Chiyo kept running but he was a lot faster than her. In a blink of an eye, Jeongguk was nowhere to be found. He disappeared from her vision completely.

Chiyo slowed down her pace and bent down, panting for air.

She looked up and scanned her surroundings. It was dark, and foggy.

Chiyo was alone.

And she was scared.

Chiyo's eyes trembled with fear, and she knelt down, burying her head in between her thighs.

"Where are you, Jeongguk?"

"Chiyo? Are you okay? I'm here." 


Chiyo's eyes slowly fluttered open and the first thing she saw was a worried Jeongguk. Before he had a chance to speak, Chiyo jolted up and embraced Jeongguk, whom held her tight in his arms. 

"I-i thought you were going to leave me." she stuttered as tears trickled down slowly and stained Jeongguk's white Tee.

Jeongguk plastered a soft smile and stroked her head gently.

"I would never leave you, Chiyo. I'm here." 

He slowly pulled away and chuckled softly as he wiped her tears away with his thumb. 

"Pabo, why would I leave you? Don't cry, alright. I hate to see you cry. It hurts me."  he said as he pull her into another embrace.

Chiyo sniffed. "Promise me you will never leave me." she stated in a small voice.

Jeongguk nodded his head.



The two cuddled comfortably at the couch, watching reruns of Sailor Moon on the television. They kept the volume on low, silently enjoying the show, basking in each other's company.

"Jeongguk." Chiyo called, breaking the silence.

"Hmm?" he replied, his eyes diverted from the television to Chiyo.

Chiyo leaned against his chest as he held her in arms.

"About yesterday-"

"Let's not talk about yesterday, Chiyo. We are here, safe and sound at our house and that's what matters." Jeongguk said and held her hands, intertwining their fingers.

Chiyo gently pushed his hands away and turned to face him.

"Jeongguk, what if they found us and take you away...again?" she asked, her face scrunched in worry.

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