2: First Meeting

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Your Lie In April's theme song started playing as my phone vibrated. I rolled out of my bed to grab my buzzing phone across the room.

Yes, I do not put my phone next to me. It's dangerous.

"Moshi moshi?" I mumbled in my bed voice.

"Is this Amano Chiyo-ssan? We are from Kamakura General Hospital. Uhm, your boyfriend is awake and we would like you to inform you that you can come visit him now."

I blanked out, tilting my head to the side. I rubbed my eyes and slapped my cheeks.


The nurse on the phone giggled.

"Sorry to wake you up at this hour, Amani Chiyo-ssan. I shall repeat what I just said. Your boyfriend, patient Jeon Jeongguk had already woke up and you can come visit him now."

I jolted up and literally shouted over the phone.


When my brain finally processed the information, I slowly calmed down and mumbled an apology to the nurse, thanking her before ending the call.

He's awake.

Sleeping Kook's awake.

Oh gosh, what am I suppose to do?

I stumbled out of my bed sheet and guided myself to the bathroom safely without the help of my spectacles.

I looked at myself through my blurry vision and gasped. Even though it's blurry, I still managed to make out the mess that I'm staring at the mirror.

My hair was all over the place, sleeping marks were visible on my face and not to mention drool hanging at the side of my lips.

I slapped myself.


Once I was done fixing myself and finished my morning routine, I rushed out and started finding for suitable clothes. I started flipping through my clothes, tossing and matching but I still couldn't manage to find the outfit I wanted.

I was just going to pay him a visit, what's the big deal?

In the end, I settled with a black turtle neck and a white long skirt, paired up with my old beaten up converse.

I sighed. Classic me. 

I left the room, grabbed my bag pack, hopped on my bike and I was ready to go.

Though my heart wasn't quite ready to see him yet.

The journey of me walking down the hallways of the hospital was nerve wrecking.

My palms were sweating.

My heart was about to escape from its cage.

I felt like my world was spinning too fast.

Questions were running through my mind. What am I suppose to do or say when I see him?

My feet stopped in front of the familiar door. Through the small glass window, I could see the doctor conversing with Sleeping Kook, or should I say Jeongguk.

I timidly knocked on the door, my head looking down.

"Come in!"

I slowly opened the door and went inside. There he was, sitting up on the bed. His eyes traveled from the doctor to me.

Our eyes met for a second.

And must I say that my breath was taken away by the beauty of his chocolate brown eyes.

I've never seen someone so....mesmerizing.

"Jeongguk-ssan, this is your savior, Miss Amano Chiyo. You should really thank her for saving your life." the doctor introduced.

I bit my lower lip and bowed. I tried to speak in my best Korean since I'm not sure if he understands Japanese.

"Hi, my name is Amano Chiyo."

He mustered a soft smile and bowed his head.

"Thank you for saving me, Miss Amano Chiyo. Uhm..from what the doctor told me, I'm Jeon Jeongguk. Nice to meet you too."

I'm shocked at myself for understanding what he said. All my mini Korean classes in my room did pay off.

Though I regret for procrastinating now as it's been months since I learn Korean.

Jeongguk extended his hand out. I hesitated for awhile before shaking his hand back.

Sudden sparks tingled my skin, and I immediately retreated my hand. I could feel my heart beat thumping hard against my rib cage.

"I-its nice to meet you too, Jeongguk-ssan."

And that was how we first met, a simple but heartwarming meeting in the hospital.

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