6: A Glitch Of Memories

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"Huh?" Jeongguk thought as he turned at the sound of someone calling him, but there were just small kids playing with sand.

"Chiyo-ssan, did you call me?" he called her.

Chiyo, who was reading a book while lying on her lazy chair, looked at him and knitted her eyebrows.

"No, Jeongguk-ssan. I was busy reading. Why?"

He shook his head and waved his hand to signal her that it was nothing.

Jeongguk held the camera up and continue to take pictures of the beach.

He manage to find an old model camera laying in the drawers of the table in his room.

It was Chiyo's brother's old camera which he no longer use since he already upgraded to a Canon EOS 5D.

Jeongguk got interested, so he decided to test his photography skills. Mayhaps he was a photographer who adores photography before.

So he ended up dragging Chiyo to the beach. The poor girl thought she could at least read a book silently at home or binge watch Sailor Moon but her plans would have to hold.

Jeongguk focused the lens and slowly move the camera to Chiyo's direction. He zoomed in and settled his finger on the button.

'Click', the camera made and he moved the camera away from his face and held it down to the level of his chest to examine the picture.

He smiled. "Cute."

His moment was abruptly interrupted when his head pounded against his skull. The aching feeling made him release the camera from his grasp.

The camera collided against his chest and hang loosely on the camera strap that Jeongguk wore.

The boy crouched down and clutched his head.

Blur images ran through his mind like an old film.

"Gguk! Don't scare me like that! Let me see the picture!!"

"Ew I look so ugly. Delete it!"

The voice of a girl rang in his mind. He could see a girl running towards what seems to be a guy, but he couldn't make out the faces. It was a blur mess.

"Jeongguk-ssan? Jeongguk-ssan! Are you okay? Don't scare me!!"

Chiyo's calls snapped him back to reality. His eyes slowly open as his pain subsided. A worried Chiyo greeted him.

"You were groaning in pain while clutching your head. Are you okay? You scared the daylights out of me!" she started panicking when Jeongguk placed a hand over hers.

His mouth formed a gentle smile.

"I'm fine, Chiyo. Don't worry."

Her shoulders relaxed, and she gently removed his hand. She quickly stood up, dusting the imaginary dirt on her shorts.

"Let's go back, I'll make us ramen." she said and turned around before walking to get her book and lazy chair.

Jeongguk's eyes lit up. "

"Ramen? Wait for me!" he shouted and went to catch up with Chiyo.

Despite that, he can't seem to shake the uneasy feeling away.

"Who is she?"


"Thank you for the meal!" 

Jeongguk immediately dug in as soon as Chiyo placed the bowl of ramen in front of him. Chiyo giggled to herself upon seeing his action aka him eating like a pig.

"Eat slowly. Nobody is going to steal your food. You look like a pig now." she stated.

Jeongguk looked up, noodles hanging from his mouth.

"Wuoyosomin (you are so mean)" he mumbled. Chiyo can barely even make out the words he said, but she chuckled at his expression.

Both of them proceeded to eat their meals in silence, the sound of the metal chopsticks clanking and slurping of noodles filling the air.

"I feel like my stomach is going to burst. I'm so full." Jeongguk exclaimed as he stretched his arms and placed a hand over his stomach. 

"If it's going to burst, I'll have a hard time cleaning." Chiyo joked and glanced at Jeongguk. 

She stiffled a laugh when she saw soup stains around Jeongguk's mouth.

Chiyo grabbed a tissue from the table and leaned against the table to reach to Jeongguk. 

"Jeongguk, you got soup stains all over your mouth. Are you a child?" 

She proceeded to wipe the stains away gently. While doing so, she did not realize that Jeongguk was staring at her intensely. 

Chiyo looked up and was taken aback by their proximity. She was about to take a step backwards when Jeongguk grasped her wrist. He took another tissue with his hands and used it to wipe her mouth.

"You've got food stain around your mouth too."


Chiyo quickly inched away and gathered the utensils. 

"I'll wash the dishes." she said and took them in her hand before scurrying away to the kitchen. 

Her heart was pounding hard against her chest and her cheeks were flushing crimson red. 

"Maybe its because of the hot weather." she thought, fanning herself.

Jeongguk sat down and watch as Chiyo washed the dishes. The scene looked vaguely familiar. Another image glitched in his mind, showing a girl washing the dishes as well, her back facing him. 



He snapped from his daze and looked up to see Chiyo. 

"Are you really okay? Do you want me to take you to the hospital for a check up?" she asked.

Jeongguk shook his head. 

"I'm fine."

Old memories resurfaced, glitching like an old broken television.

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