7: Ocean and Sparks

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The sound of waves crashing against the rocks filled the silent air. Chiyo stared at the distance, a few strands of her hair following the rhythm of the wind. Jeongguk was beside her, eyes ahead.

Jeongguk closed his eyes and listened to the sound of waves. The ocean made him feel calm.

A pang of sadness hit him when he recalled himself being here for the first time. He did not remember much, he just remembered being swept away by the strong waves that made him end up at the beach, with no memories left.

"I wonder how my home looks like."

Chiyo turned to face him, her hair carried by the wind.

"Do you miss your home?" she asked.

Realization hit her and she hit her forehead.

"Wait, stupid me! Of course you miss your h-"

Chiyo gasped when Jeongguk leaned in close, eyes widened.

"This is my home. You're my home."

Jeongguk' s eyes lingered around her lips, his own heartbeat drumming against his ears. At that moment, his feelings were clear. Having spent days with her only ever brought him happiness, genuine happiness that was missing from him before until now. 

He wants to be here, at Kamakura, with Chiyo. 

"Can I kiss you?"


Chiyo looked down, butterflies crashing blindly in her stomach. She had never kissed before, nor she had ever been kissed. Mustering the courage, she slowly looked up to see Jeongguk, head tilted, staring at her.

"Its okay if you don't want to. We will take it slow, okay?"

Chiyo shook her head. She scrambled her brain to find words, but it was blank, like a white canvas. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. 

The next moments were a blur when she leaned in and planted her lips on his hastily.

Chiyo froze, feeling the world slow down. What was she doing? She didn't even know how to kiss. She wanted to pull away but Jeongguk slowly lifted his fingers, cupping her cheek and deepened the kiss. 

In the end, she closed her eyes and parted her lips slightly, giving in. It was gentle but passionate , something Chiyo had never experienced before.

It just felt right.

Both of them pulled apart slowly, their breaths in sync, the two met eye to eye.



The two youngsters smiled at the mention of both their names at the same time.

Two hearts laced together with a simple kiss. Feelings finally sprouted and both Jeongguk and Chiyo realize how much they both need each other.

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