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Chiyo stared out of the window, the moonlight illuminating the cold hospital room, bandage wrapped around her head.

She was shocked she survived the accident. The doctors told her she could have died if she wasn't sent immediately to the hospital.

Did she consider herself lucky?


She wanted to die so badly.

Chiyo felt like her world just collapsed after reading the text he sent.

He just left with one simple text.

Did he not care about her?

Did he forget about the memories they shared?

Was she just a fling? Someone who he can toy with?

Chiyo didn't want to believe it. Jeongguk wouldn't do such a thing.

She called him multiple times after she grabbed hold of her phone (which her parents hesitated to give her), texted him, only to find out that he blocked her.

It was as though he wanted no connection with her anymore.

Chiyo's eyes averted to the door when she heard the door slide open. Her parents entered, holding multiple bento boxes.

"I'm sure you are hungry, dear. So we cooked some of your favourite food." Mrs Amano said as she settled the food on the table.


Mrs Amano turned to look at her daughter. Chiyo's eyes were swollen, in the verge of tearing up again.

Her eyes soften. She sat on the side of the bed and pulled her into an embrace.

Mr Amano stood at the side.

"Okasan, please tell me this isn't true. Jeongguk wouldn't do that to me right? He loves me."

Mrs Amano closed her eyes and sighed.

She slowly pull away and held Chiyo's shoulders gently.

"Chiyo, I couldn't believe it either. Jeongguk was such a charming and polite boy. But his family......and himself...they're not ordinary people. They can be nice in front of you, but just as you turn back, they will not hesitate to stab you. They are dangerous." she stated.

Chiyo shook her head and covered her ears.

"No, that's not true. Jeongguk is nothing like his family. He's not!"

"Amano Chiyo!" Mr Amano shouted.

Chiyo flinched.

She had never seen her father so angry.

"Accept the fact, Chiyo. The Jeons, they are demons. They are the cause of the accident. It was planned. They wanted to kill you! Before you woke up, we received a letter from them, with money and three plane tickets. They demanded us to flee the country. They even asked us to claim that you are dead so that their stupid son will forget about you."

Chiyo's heart stop.

"H-his family p-planned this?" she stuttered, unable to process the information her father told.

Mr Amano sighed and nodded.

"They are so heartless."

Chiyo wiped off the tears that fell with the hem of her sleeves.

"But that's not Jeongguk's fault! It's his family. He's innocent!"

Mrs Amano placed a hand and smoothened Chiyo's hair, careful not to touch the bandage that was wrapped around her head.

"Then why did he send you the text?"

Chiyo was left speechless.

"Even though he was oblivious of the plan, but he still wanted to cut ties with you as soon as he regained his memories." her mother continued.

"Stop, okasan. I don't want to hear anymore."

Both her parents frowned. Seeing their daughter in this state made them heartbroken.

"I'm tired, I want to sleep." she said and laid down, her head facing the other direction.

"B-but the food-"

"Good night okasan, otosan." she said and covered herself with the blanket, closing her mouth with one hand.

Mr and Mrs Amano had no choice but to leave silently.

As soon as the door closed, Chiyo removed her hand and cried.

Chiyo lost her love.


"D-dead? No, you must be kidding me."

Jeongguk ran a hand through his hair and shook his head.

"It can't be." he whispered to himself.

"Son, please. She's already dead! Her parents confirmed it!"

"Stop it father!"

Mr Jeon sighed and gave his son a disappointing look before stomping out of his room, slamming the door.

"He's got to believe, whether it's true or not."

Jeongguk screamed and pushed everything out of the table.

Glasses and photo frames crashed and shattered into pieces.

Jeongguk dropped to the floor. He grabbed the death confirmation letter on the floor and opened it.

His lips quivered as his eyes scanned each and every letter.

Tears stained the white paper.

Jeongguk hugged the paper close to his chest and shouted, his cries echoing the whole room.

Jeongguk lost his home.

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