12: Trapped

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Jeongguk and Chiyo's small getaway to Kyoto ended and it was time to come back to reality. 

Chiyo's exams were just around the corner and as a honour student who depended on a scholarship, the pressure to perform well was there.

The times she spent with Jeongguk lessen, as she was busy studying in her room all the time, only coming out of her room to go to university and for meals.

Jeongguk didn't mind, as he knew that her education was very important to her.

He would occasionally send food to her room. If Chiyo's in the mood, he will feed her.

Those moments were when Jeongguk witness how hardworking his girlfriend is and how she's so passionate in her art.

"If you ever become a famous artist in the far future, which you obviously will, I want to add my signature next to yours, can I?" he asked in a cute voice, blinking nonstop at Chiyo.

Chiyo smiled and ruffled his hair playfully.

"Of course, your signature will be right next to mine." she stated as she pointed at the corner of her canvas.

Kamakura's weather had been unpredictable lately, as it rained heavily yesterday but when Jeongguk woke up that morning, he saw that the Sun was up, not a cloud in sight.

As usual, he stumbled his way to the countertop to see Chiyo's note for him.

It had been a daily routine for the couple.

To Gguk,
I overslept today so I didn't make you any breakfast ( so sorry!) There's some money on the table, buy whatever you want alright. I am having an ongoing art project for my exams so I'll be back a little bit later than usual so have dinner without me okay? I'll make sure to spend more time with you once my exams are over. Maybe hit the mall or maybe take a mini trip to Tokyo? Sounds great right keke. Don't miss me too much you little bunny. Aishiteru <3
From Chiyo

Jeongguk chuckled at the nickname she gave him. She sure had a lot of nicknames for him.

He went to the table at the living room and stared at the money left by Chiyo.

Jeongguk had always felt guilty for having Chiyo to give him money. He's a grown man and he should be able to make his own money.

An idea popped in his mind and he immediately rushed to his room to get ready.

After showering and changing into a grey checkered tee and jeans, he combed his messy hair and headed out, slipping on his timberlands (a gift from Chiyo's parents) in a rush.

Jeongguk locked the gates and walked along the neighborhood.

After living in Kamakura for almost a month and a half, he was familiar with the roads and shops.

When he arrived in front of the convenience store, he took a deep breath before walking in.

The bell jingled and as always, he heard a faint 'welcome' from the uncle, whom he recently befriended with since he's a regular customer.

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