3: Cold

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She sat by the window pane and looked up, imagining possibilities of situations that could have happened. Angela began to wish she stayed instead of ran away. She wished she spoke a little longer to him in the alley. But she remembered how fear got the best of her.

Angela kept her television on, waiting for some kind of update on the mysterious hero. But darkness fell once again, and she was still sitting by the window as she just finished having dinner at the restaurant a block away. She hoped she'd return with a sign but there was nothing. But somehow, there was a spark of hope inside Angela's heart. It was as if she knew there was a chance she would see him again. She hoped that someone would lead her to him by publishing an article.

She checked online if anyone replied. There were three thousand reads, but no comment was helpful or telling. The comments she received were accusations that she was only making it up, saying that the mysterious hero would never  come that close.

It frustrated her that people would not believe her. 

They thought she made the story up because why would the hero go all the way to her house to return her jacket? She did not know why either, but it was true. But to people who were fascinated about the stranger just could not wrap their heads around the thought of a romantic hero. They made fun of her.

She gave up.

Angela shut her laptop, her back to the open window, and stared at the muted television showing actors in a show. Then, a swift shadow passed by, getting her full attention. She hesitated for a while as her mind argued with her heart about the hope she had about him returning. She turned around, still in her bed, her hand clasping the sheets, nervous for a few seconds. Slowly, she approached the window.

Her mind urged her to look at the side of the window. But she was slightly scared that it would not be him. But also, she hoped it would be him.

Slowly, she pushes the window completely open. She peeked carefully to the left, also observing if there was anyone watching her. She was scared they'd see her and think she's some crazy girl seeing things. But suddenly, a low voice made her freeze.

"Don't move." He said,

She paused and gulped. It was the first time she heard him that close. He returned to her. She was not sure why but she was too overwhelmed and excited to see him. Before she could turn around, he spoke again, making her look down instead before completely turning.

"I said--" he sounded stern, "--don't move."

Slowly, Angela refused to follow his order as she moved her head to get a slight vision of her side. But she still could not see him from her peripheral view. But she could hear him clear.

"I'm not gonna do anything," she reassured him before moving her body down and inside her room, but her hands still on the window pane, "Let me just...sit." She turned her head anyway and saw only a hazy figure in the shadows; a figure possibly huge and strong enough to sit on the emergency ladder attached to the next window.

Leonardo knew she could not see him, so he relaxed himself on the suspended ladder.

They stared at each other. Even in the darkness, she knew he was there. And she knew he was staring right back at her.

"You came back." She whispered, hope in her voice.

But Leonardo did not want to lead her on to nothing. He didn't want her to fall for the temptation like he already has. He kept a stern tone, "I only returned to warn you."

"Warn me?" The sensation she had disappeared, 

"I came here to order you to eradicate whatever it is you have published.  With that, I need you to not publish anything else about what you've seen or experienced."

Angela was silent. She did not expect that he would be angry about that. Perhaps she was too busy imagining romance to blossom instead of him being cold.

"But--" he interrupted her, and stood on the ladder, "You cannot expose any of this to the media."

"Look," She did not let him interrupt her this time, "I only did that because I needed to see you. I wanted to thank you for the other night. That's all. I was never planning on exposing you."

"Your gratitude is acknowledged. Now delete whatever it was you published."

She could tell by his stern vibe and the sound of the metal that he was about to ditch her again. But she quickly called for him, "At least tell me your name."

He stopped,

"I know you're trying to hide from everyone. I don't understand why but at least tell me your name."

"How do I know you're not going to--"

"--I'm not like that." She sighed, "I just wanted to see you again. That's all."

And I wanted to see you too. I wanted to talk to you. Here I am, but my mind's telling me that this is too dangerous.

"You can trust me."

There was silence.

"Leo." His voice was warm.


He turned around and this time, she could see more of his eyes in the dark. 

"My name's Leo."

She could not help but smile. To him, she looked too beautiful that he had to stay for just one more second to gaze at her.

"I'm Angela." She replied softly.

He felt his heart flutter. He felt so weak, but he knew he had to go. His work was done. He had to convince her to stop. He thought she would refuse like a stubborn individual, but she listened to him. He didn't think it would be that easy. He thought he would find an excuse to return to her house every now and then--but no. Suddenly, he felt his heart drop that he had to leave this one moment.

Before he could leave, her voice stopped him again. It was as if she could breathe just once and he would make it into an excuse to stay. He turned to face her again. Her eyes gleamed with hope.

"Will you come back again?"

He wanted to but... "What for?" He made sure he sounded stern,

With that, she did not know what to answer. She could not just say because he kept her company or because she felt attracted to him. He probably heard that a million times before, she thought. But what she did not know was that Leonardo wanted to stay because he never felt this wanted by a human girl before. And he had never felt so attracted to her.

"You make me feel safe." she suddenly spoke softly. She meant it. She did not mean to say it and to make her sound vulnerable, but it was the truth. She was desperate to have anyone. She would call her sister but she knew Alice would overreact as well when it came to her safety. And she could not let Alice know that she and Wes broke up. Angela just did not have any interest in any of that. All she wanted was him. His presence. 

She was so fascinated and attracted to the hero she met. And so was he.

"There is no safe place in new york city." She added, "But I thought I could handle that until that night. But you saved me."

"I understand that it's gratitude you feel," Leonardo's reason blurted out, "I understand that you feel thankful. You're welcome. But I have to leave."

Slowly, Angela nodded. She understood and it hit her. There was no such thing as romance with a mysterious hero. That was all fiction and this is reality. Someone like him would not have the time to waste with a regular woman like her.

"You're right. I'm sorry--I didn't know what I was saying." Her voice lowered as she settled on her bed now. He moved towards her but kept himself in the shadows. 

"Thank you again."

He did not say anything and knew he had to leave. It would be awkward to stay and comfort her and explain to her why he had to be so distant. He could not risk it. But the look on her face weakened him. Leonardo wanted to stay and talk, but he knew a bigger responsibility awaited him back home.

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