10: Slimy

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I was so happy he came back. I could not help but smile just by hearing his voice. But I wanted to get a glimpse of him. I hated how my mind could not make out the exact features of Leonardo's face. We had a little bit of small talk before he finally asked about me.

Then, he admitted that he knew where I worked. I know I should be creeped out, but it seemed reasonable. He was communicating with a random girl which kinda risked his secrecy. It's good that he makes sure things are still going well. I guess it's a good thing he likes to keep himself secret and that he's not into getting attention. The thought made me smile.

"What?" he asked lightly,

"Nothing." I chuckled. Then we both paused. I realized he was talking about himself and how he had to live behind the shadows and that he's scared he'd be criticized or feared. I just smiled at his frustrations. "I'm sorry." I suddenly apologized. I could not even figure out if he's offended because I cannot make out his facial expressions.

Then, I had a crazy idea. It slipped out of my mouth, "Do you want to come in?"

There was a second of pause until he stuttered, "Inside?"

"Yeah. I mean, there's no point of hiding." I cleared out, "I know who you are. And we can't risk getting caught outside. It's...safer...inside." Could not even believe I reasoned with him that fast. I just want to get closer.

So he clambered inside and leaned against the wall. Awkwardly, I sat on the edge of my bed. When I realized he was also feeling a little awkward, I moved to my window sill and sat there so I would be a little closer, hoping he'd take that as a hint that I don't really mind.

Then, he asked me questions once again. He asked me basic questions as if we were just really trying to find out about each other. And after a while, it felt like there was nothing else 'basic' to ask. I felt myself want to ask him deeper questions. I wanted to ask him about the other girls he saved. If he's also speaking to other women or creatures or whatever. And suddenly, the curiosity got me fired up. I did not care at all and just asked away.

"Do you do this often?"

The corners of his mouth quirked up. It was obvious that he's smiling at my question. I felt a little ashamed but I pushed the thought away. It's better to find out if he's having the same intimate chats with other people.


"Talking to..."

"...I don't." He replied. I felt relieved. "If you think that I come in and swoop people off their feet then talk to them after, you thought wrong." He chuckled.


"In fact, I'm not even supposed to be here."

I paused. 

"But," he immediately tried to explain himself, "I trust you, Angela. I trust that we're both...curious."

Curious, huh.

"So you're here because you're curious?" I asked him. Suddenly, there was a slight tension that crept through my legs and up my thighs. This creature is speaking low, and I don't know who he is, and I don't understand where he came from, and yet...I feel...aroused. Aroused at the fact that we're both curious about each other.

Leo nodded.

"What exactly are you curious about?" I asked, my voice low, almost a whisper. But he heard it. I know he did because he gazed into my eyes and gulped. I felt my flesh throb lightly at the sight of his chest falling and rising. This man is an animal...literally. But there is this exciting energy I'm getting from him.

How could something unconventional give me an aching sensation all over my sex?

I realized I pressed my legs together and my toes and curled. I noticed because he noticed them, too. His eyes dropped to my exposed legs before glancing back into my eyes.

"I think I have to go." He said. His voice is raspy. If he was not a talking turtle man, I'm afraid I would have thrown myself at him right then. But my conscience was shouting at me. He is not a man. But he's making me feel things.

Am I really this desperate? I asked myself in that moment.

Leonardo stood still as he pulled away from the wall. "You need to rest." He added, "Thank you for your time." Then, he walked towards me since I sat by the window sill. I didn't move.

It was as if my body did not want me to. Or my whole being didn't.

When he approached me and stopped inches away from me as I sat by the window, I looked up at him. He looked down at me, too. 

I kept my eyes at him and slowly moved away and stood up, standing on my bed. I was now taller than him a little bit. We kept our eyes locked at each other. It's as if he's trying to read me.

Then, Leonardo tore his gaze and looked out the window. His hand now rested on the window handle, but he paused and said, "Good night."

At that moment, in a split second, I imagined the ache I would feel if he left me. I did not want him to leave. I could not let him leave. It was as if my whole being was drunk and resulted to nothing but adrenaline rush.

I lifted my hand placed it against his cheek, making him flinch, probably surprised at my touch. But he did not stop me when I made him turn to look up at me, still standing on my bed. Then, I caught his mouth with mine.

My eyes are shut and my mouth kissed him. I pressed my lips on him and he felt cold, except for his hot breath when he opened his mouth to let me enter him with my tongue. I hesitated a bit, but desire urged me to taste him. Just once, I thought. I just wanted to taste him as I was too curious and too tempted.

Then, I had a taste of him. Surprisingly, Leonardo, this turtle man, tasted just like a man. I was relieved. It felt like I was kissing a man; but this man was hungry, sloppy, and a little aggressive with his touches. I noticed his wide, slightly slimy hands run up my legs. He did not even hesitate to touch me. But as if I jinxed it, Leo stopped and pulled away.

"I'm sorry--" he apologized with terrified eyes, "--I don't want you to think--"

"Don't think." I quickly shook my head and pulled him back to kiss him with full mouth. And his slimy tongue was back in my mouth, exploring me, like he could not get enough of my taste. The thought made me crazy, and I ached even more. So, I grabbed his wide hands and dragged them under my shirt. I hoped that he would feel that I was soaking wet because his hands were a little slimy already. But I felt his mouth curve into a smile when he touched me down there. I smiled, too.

I guided him because I noticed he was too nice to even make a move. I made his big and wide finger rub my clit as I stood there, still making out with him. He liked it because he was going too fast. I was going crazy. I was too horny. I wrapped my leg around his waist. I did not even care that he was cold.

When he noticed I was rubbing myself onto his fingers, he finally made a move and found my entrance. I pulled away from our kiss and I looked down, then back into his eyes. We both panted. I nodded once, letting him know I wanted it. Then, slowly, he slid his wide finger inside me--and it felt sinfully amazing. His finger, sliding in and out, felt like his cock. It drove me wilder and hungrier. I fucked his finger so wild that I carried myself and wrapped both my legs around him. Soon enough, he carried me in one arm and fucked me with his finger.

I knew I was about to reach my climax. I moaned into his ear, unable to make out with him with that kind of pleasure entering my sex. When I released and came, I heard him moan. I moved to see his face and the way he looked at me--desire and lust--it made me want more. 

Leonardo rested me on the bed gently after removing his big finger inside me. He looked at it then licked the tip of his finger, tasting cum. Then, he sucked his whole finger before kneeling on the bed.

At that moment, I knew it was not desperation. It was this growing desire we've been resisting these past few nights.

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