9: Comfortable

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Angela threw her bag on her bed carefully, trying not to hit her laptop that rested on her bed. She rushed to the bathroom and got ready for a quick shower. Afterwards, she hurried to fix herself in front of the mirror. Then, she stepped out of the bathroom and stalked to her wardrobe, finding a pleasant sleepwear to slip in for the night. 

She never really had to worry about what she wore, but this night, she knew she had to wear something pleasant. She did not want to look lazy as to not give Leo the impression that she did not care to take care of herself in front of people. She did not want to look too flashy as to not make him think she's seducing him. Angela pulled out almost all of her shirts out of her wardrobe just to get a good look and to envision herself in it. Then, she finally decided to just wear her favorite big shirt. She felt comfortable in it because of its length that ended right under her knees and its sleeves dropping to her elbows. She felt so comfortable in it--and knew she looked cute, too.

I'm trying to look cute for a stranger...no big deal, she thought. Then, she looks at herself in the mirror after wearing it and smiled. She turned around and saw the nightsky, a trace of smile on her mouth. Then, she sat on her bed. A few seconds passed and she asked herself, what now?

Miles away, Leonardo stood by the corner and looked up through the gutter. The street lights shone down half his face, showing an agitated pair of eyes.

He could not wait to return to her. But there were still too many people outside. He already managed to get away from his brothers and Master Splinter, knowing that their mission's done, he was left free again. He noticed Raphael was gone, too, so he figured he should just leave now, too. Although it frustrated him that Raphael wasn't around. Because if two of them were missing the whole night, Master Splinter might take interest in knowing what his boys have gone to. 

Leonardo grunted and rubbed his face with his hand, trying to forget about his frustrations for now. He wanted to see her and that was that. 


Waiting until night time felt like forever. Although I busied myself with work, supervising and helping out people by the desk, my mind wandered around the thought of the creature. I wondered about what he could be doing? Is he awake? He's not a vampire, Ange, of course he's awake. But what could he be doing?

I glanced at the time stamp on my laptop. 11:47 PM.

Well, that's late enough. He must have learned from last night's early bird surprise. Suddenly, I felt the embarrassment wash over me, making me grab the nearest pillow to cover my face in. I groaned loud, having no control of the sudden flashback in my mind.

Did all of that really happen?

I met the shadow hero. I met the mysterious hero and he turned out to be terrifyingly and amazingly fascinating. Was that too much? It's true, though. Oh, people would definitely not believe me if I told them that the hero is a talking turtle with human-like features.

It sounded just as unbelievable as the robot hero story.

Am I gonna tell anyone, though? If I do, they'll marvel at it. Hell! They'll be so curious they might look for him. And I would not want people to do that! No way. Nope. Well, guess I'm keeping this to myself.

Should I tell Alice, though? I haven't spoken to my sister in a while. Maybe it would be okay to tell her?

Oh, God. She would flip out if she found out that Wes and I broke up and didn't even tell her. And now I'm chatting with a human turtle! I covered my face with my hands this time and groaned louder. I'm going crazy.

Slowly, I lowered my hands to my sides and stared at the ceiling. I observed the darkness of my room. I was silent.

I'd go crazier if people get in the way of our serene chats at night. This was the only thing I had with someone that did not stress me out. For the first time, I felt that kind of rush. Not that I did not feel that with Wes. I guess I just never felt so much rush over someone not human.

Suddenly, I felt some kind of energy. It felt as if he was finally here. I sat up and turned to look at the window. I approached it, slid it open, and looked out. The same built figure stood against the wall.

"I thought you'd never come." I managed to say, trying to ease the awkwardness out of the air. I swear I could have seen him smile in the shadows.

"I came as fast as I can." He sounded warm, and not distant. He wasn't as distant as he was before in the nights before when he tried to pull the mysterious hero act on me. But ever since we faced each other, something about him changed. Quick. And I knew I changed, too.

It made me smile. Hard.

God, it's like we both waited for each other. Okay don't make up things now to make yourself sound like you're in a romcom, Ange.


Her smile hit me so damn hard, it felt like some sort of energy zapped my chest and I felt it all fucking over. I don't really cuss but in my head I'm swearing and groaning. She's making me feel so much. Too much.

The feeling is too strong, it's making me want to hide away and just disappear and watch her. I feel shy. This is embarrassing. But I love it.

I find myself smiling, too. She's looking at me like she can see me. Can she?

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