14: Takebacks

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"What should I do?" I asked Mikey, trying to keep myself composed although I was dying to hear my brother tell me that I should do what those guys in romcom films do and just sweep Angela off the ground or something like that. But Mikey said anything but that.

Instead he shrugged as he chewed on his pizza then swallowed before saying "You should do what your heart wants you to do, bro."

What the hell am I even doing here asking my brother about what I should do? This should be the last move I take but oh yeah, that's right, I'm not the romantic genius over here. I never thought the movies Mikey watched back then would be important now.

Mikey's answer was the cheesiest thing I ever heard. But I know, deep down, he's right. Why should I even fight it?

"We have April, anyway." He suddenly added, "We talk to her and Master's cool with it."

"But that's different, Mikey. We speak to her because we trust her--all of us--because she brings something to the table. She helps us."

Mikey shrugged again, "Does Angela make you happy?"

Immediately I answered with an isn't-it-obvious tone, "Of course!"

"Then that's not different." He replied, "She brings something to the table, too, and that's making one of us happy. It might not benefit all of us, but it benefits you, at least."

He's right. But that does not change the fact that I lead this group. What will Master Splinter say if I tell him? What would he think of his eldest confessing that he would make Angela his priority instead of the city's sake? 

The thought frustrated me once more. 

"Don't think about it too much, Leo." He said. And I swear, Mikey never sounded so serious. "Just do it. Do what your heart tells you for once."

"It's not an easy choice." I said,

And I felt him glance at me, "Oh it isn't." I stood there, staring out the gutter. Mikey grabbed my shoulder to squeeze it before leaving me alone. Just with his last words, I understood.

It's not easy, but it's still a choice. And I know what I want.


I cried my eyes out an hour ago and I already feel like crying again. I don't know why it hit me just a week ago: that I was possibly used by the mysterious "hero" as a muse. Probably someone to just entertain him while New York City is safe for a split second.

Suddenly, I felt like I wanted to ball my eyes out again but I controlled myself. I shouted at myself, "Stop. It was a one time thing. You should not have expected anything from someone who hid himself carefully in the dark!"

Then I felt stupid for crying. Then, I plopped my back on the bed and stared at the ceiling with the light beaming diagonally at it. Then my eyes felt tired. Then, slowly, I felt my eyes closing. And then...someone was rapping on the window. It made me jump.

The knocking stopped when I flinched. I sat up, a slight headache hit me, but I managed to make out a shadow outside the window. I could not believe my eyes.

Leo patiently hanging from the wall, his body slantly hanging, looking through the window. I was overwhelmed. So much emotions ran through my whole body, and my heart felt like it was going to explode. But one thing was on my mind: I was so relieved to see him again. But then anger came over me as I was reminded that he just showed himself after weeks.

I clambered on the bed then approached the window, and hurriedly slid the window open. Right when the window was open, the cold air rushed in and against my scowling face. I was ready to curse him out, I was ready to shout.

"You assh--"

Leonardo grabbed me by the waist in one swift move to press his mouth against mine, and it shut me up quick. I would have fought it and pushed him away, but I didn't. My body couldn't lie to his touches. I opened my mouth and let his slimy tongue enter me and roll on mine. I missed his taste and his breath. I missed everything.

I wrapped my arms around his nape and pulled him in, letting him know that I want him in. So he moved inside, our mouths still hungrily exploring each other, while his arms carry me. He positioned himself on the bed before sliding the window down and drawing the curtains in one quick movement to give us the privacy we wanted.

I pulled away from the kiss to let us both breathe. He knelt on the bed and allowed me to straddle him again. We kissed as my hands tried to locate his buckle. He guided my through it and unbuckled his things, set them aside, and began undressing me. Gently, he pushed me down on the bed to quickly slide my shorts off along with my panties. He took them and inhaled the scent, kept his salacious eyes on me, and aggressively threw my panties on the ground. I realized I was biting my lip the whole time. It made him smirk. 

His hands suddenly grabbed my breasts as I was still wearing my shirt. And in a intense movement, Leonardo ripped my thin shirt off me. I gasped at his actions, and I could tell he enjoyed it. I saw his bulge expand. Quickly, I searched for his erection and took him in my hands to begin stroking. But he grabbed both of my wrists and pulled them to his mouth to kiss them.

"I missed you." He whispered.

I leaned closer and he kissed me deeply before pulling away.

"I missed you too."

He paused to stare at my face. Then, his hand cupped my cheek and brushed his wide thumb across it. I realized I was crying again.

"I'm here." He said. Before I could ask him or even say anything, he met my mouth once again. Then, trailed his lips down to my neck, took his time on my breasts, licking my nipples and enjoying how hard they were for him, then slid his tongue down my belly and down to my sex. He licked my throbbing flesh sloppily. My sex felt slimy, yet I enjoyed how he fucked me with his tongue. I moved in sync with his tongue until I felt myself reaching climax. I looked down at him, my hands on his head, pushing him deeper into me. When I realized I was close, he moved to enter me in one thrust.

I gasped in pleasure before he thrusted inside me again and again and again until he pulled out and came just as I did. But he accidentally slipped out and squirted all of his juices all over my body. A drop even reached my lips. He groaned and moaned as he stroked himself, a bit more squirting mildly on my belly. Then he leaned down, catching his breath like I was.

He looked at me and just in time, I licked his cum off my lips. 

Leonardo shook his head, his eyes had a hint of sadness. He reached down to kiss me passionately. And I felt something wet touch my cheeks. I would think it was my tears, but when I opened my eyes, I saw his glassy eyes welling up with tears as well.

I cupped his face and gazed at him, "Where have you been?"

And with one question, Leonardo's head dropped. He exhaled deeply, then looked into my eyes again. He sat up, allowed me to straddle him to sit comfortably, then explained that he had so much to tell. He wanted me to reassure him that I would do anything to try to understand and not to freak out, although I had the right to be mad. I promised that I would try. So he began to tell me the truth.

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