8: Unsatisfied

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"What do you want to know?"

I wanted my chance and now that I have it, it's as if I lost the words I prepared. I was nervous. I did not want to sound like I have been thinking about these for the past few days.

"Why are you so interested in knowing?"

She sneered, "I answered that question already, didn't I?"

Well it's better to repeat it than ask if you're single.

"I just wanna ask in case there's still something I don't know."

"Like what? Listen, if you're so worried that I might rat you out, don't. Because I'm not that kind of person." She said sternly. Suddenly, her vibe changed. She hardened, even her voice.

And for some reason, I trust her words. But it could still be dangerous.

"I just wanted to know because..." It was as if there was something else she wanted to say but couldn't. But then, she sounded like she didn't care anymore, "If you saved people like it's a normal thing for you. Just interesting to see a real super hero."

"Well, I'm not a hero. This is a job. I work for the sake of this city."

She nodded once. "Anything else you wanna ask?" She softened a little bit now. Still sounds a little different, but soft. Like she also wished I'd stay and ask more...or maybe that's just me.

"How have you been?"

She looked at me like it was a surprise question.

"Since that night." I added. She understood, looked down on her forearms and rubbed them before crossing her arms. She glanced back up at me.

"I'm okay." She said.

"Do you ever get worried?"

She shrugged, "I did the night after. But then, I realized, I shouldn't be. It was in the past. And to be honest, I feel better. I know I'm gonna be okay and I taught myself to feel that. I know I'm gonna be safe 'cause--" she paused.




"Good." I mumbled. She tried to look away. But I spoke again and leaned a bit forward, "Because you'll be okay."

I sure hope she understood what I was trying to say. But she just looked at me. I couldn't really read her. Did she get me?

"I'll be okay." She said. "After that night, I think I know what to do next time." She looked away and looked inside her room.

What? No, you don't have to. I'm here. I can watch over you. Did you not get that? I wanted to tell her but that would be embarrassing. Don't want to sound like I'm trying to be prince charming here.

"I've learned a few tips online, too." She added.

"I'm here, anyway." I slipped. Shit.

She shot me a look.

"You don't know that."

Didn't she pay attention when she asked me those questions?

"Oh, I do." I barked back. Is she testing me? What happened to our whole energy? The chemistry? Why is she testing me?

"Uh, not really. You can't be in two places at the same time." 

Well, there's four of us, so, ha. "Nah." I disagreed. 

"You don't know that." She repeated her words.

"I really do." She's really testing me.

She added, "Listen, you could be saving some other girl in the other end of town and I'd be attacked right here. It would take you minutes to even get by." She sounded so sassy that she just gave away a hint of why she's testing me.

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