20: To Forever

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My boyfriend and his thick, bare green skin was the only thing I could focus on at the moment. Especially that lengthy sight that kept me going at night. The thought involuntarily made me tilt the glass and drop the ice on myself, not knowing I ran out of water to drink. It made me squirm. Leonardo turned around, stopping him from organizing his stuff on the bed.

He shot me a look from across the room. I wasn't even embarrassed. I didn't look away and just let myself bite my lip.

"You alright?" he shyly asked, a little confused,

"I'm wet." I mumbled, and there was a pause between us.

Then I snapped out of my horny lil' reverie and-- "I'm wet 'cause of the ice, I dropped the ice on myself."

Leonardo's smirk didn't even help me from not stuttering. He began to walk towards me and all I could hear in my head were contradicting screams of "Oh no" and "Hell yes".

As I picked the ice from my lap, Leonardo leaned down on me for a kiss. But instead, I put the ice between my teeth. He raised his eyebrow, confused again. I raised my eyebrow too. He tried to take the ice from my mouth but I playfully swatted it away. He got the idea.

Leaned closer and took the ice from my mouth with his, allowing me to speak. I whispered, "Do you mind if we do something a little different?"

He took the ice from his mouth, "What do you mean?"

"I know you're supposedly cold-blooded...genetically..."

He nodded, a smirk on his lips again,

"But I'm not. And I could use a little bit of...tension. Something cold." I smirked back at him.

"I'm getting ready to leave tonight, Angela." He said with such a low voice, almost teasing me, "You know I can't stay."

"I know. But all I need is a few minutes."

He sneered, "Well I like my love making to last for hours. I want my girl to feel happy."

"I know," I knelt on the couch then wrapped my arm around him, "But given the situation, it'd be crazier. Meaning it'd make me..."


I nodded.

Leonardo looked down, eyeing the remaining ice that he put back in the glass. It was almost melting. Then, he glanced back at me and didn't hesitate to carry me with one arm and hold the ice in his other hand. He took me to the bedroom, pushed his already-organized things off the bed, and laid me down carefully. I giggled. I couldn't help it.

My ever-so-pleasing love of my life always ready to take me. It made me feel hotter.

He took the melting ice and slowly placed it on my lips, skipped to my neck and traced it down between my breasts. Then, he lifted it up and ordered me to close my eyes. I did.

I gasped when the biting cold sensation began around my nipple then around the other. "Leo..." I couldn't help but whisper his name. "Your mouth...please..." I begged.

And just after the coldness on my nipple, Leonardo replaced it with his warm, wet mouth and sucked hard. He sucked on my breast harder than he ever did, making me writhe in such a strong sensation in my sex. He pinned me to the bed before sucking on the other one. I opened my eyes and saw the love of my life licking and wildly sucking me.

"I want you inside." I moaned, "Please."

Leonardo kept sucking and tugging on my nipple as he mumbled, "I can't yet, remember? You just told me."

"Fuck the pill, Leo. Please." I begged and begged.

It was true. At that moment, I couldn't give a shit. And I knew it was safe. It's been a few days and I never really saw symptoms. I wasn't even worried after the library sex. The pill would work. And it will again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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