16: Perfect Timing

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Angela rushed inside her sister's apartment as soon as Alice opened the door. The relationship between the sisters was a wonderful bond; but despite all the secrets and the girl talk, there would come a time that they would both learn to hide away; it was these times, until fate made sure that night spoiled the coinciding secrets they had been hiding from each other.

Alice was supposed to leave but first, she leaned against the door pane, looking at her sister lying on her bed lazily. She knew she was going through something and figured it would be about Wes. She urged Angela to speak up but her sister could not be straightforward.

Finally, Alice told her sister that she needed to leave for a while about an unpaid pizza. Angela wondered why her sister had to leave her alone in her room during her time of need. But although the errand bothered her and almost made her want to beg Alice to just stay, her mind finally gave up. She was tired of hoping people would stay, so she just let Alice leave. Angela thought she'd just find something to do while waiting for her sister to return. 

The door slammed close and Angela kept herself comfortable on the bed. She was left with her thoughts again and she hated it. 

Just outside the balcony, Leonardo peeked through the window to Alice's bedroom and was surprised to see Angela again. This was the second time Leonardo followed Angela to the same building, and everytime, Leonardo was confused. Leo furrowed his eyebrows, confused at the sight of Angela inside the bedroom of the girl Raphael had been seeing. Before he even reached the balcony, he made sure he was following Angela in the correct building because he could not believe he was being led here. He looked around, careful not to bump into Raphael.

Leo had formed theories in his head earlier: maybe they're friends? maybe this is a plan? But these theories vanished once he heard their conversation about Angela's frustrations. They definitely do not speak about meeting up with turtles. He felt relieved, but still a little dazed that these two women have no idea that they are secretly connected.

Leo brushed the thought off his mind and knew he would get answers once he spoke to Angela. And as if Angela heard his own thoughts, she sat up from the bed and stalked to the balcony, alarming Leo and hiding himself.

Angela walked outside the balcony and leaned down the railings. She looked around and exhaled. Deep inside, she wished things ended the right way. Just when she thought things were over, she felt something move behind her. 


Angela stood in front of me, but all I could see was her back. But it was enough to give me courage to speak up. I would weaken if I see her face just yet.

"I'm sorry." Was all I said.

She did not turn but I noticed her shoulders slump and her head bent down. She did not say anything.

"I could not help but follow you here. I had to see you and talk to you. And this time, I'm not going to leave."

She put her head up. I was hoping she could look at me now.

"Angela, please." I asked, standing in the middle of the balcony. I fought the urge to touch her. Not yet. Until she wants me to, I will. "I love you." I suddenly said. My voice broke and I felt so weak hearing myself this way, but it was true. I want her and love her so bad that I need her to forgive me.

The beautiful face I've been aching to see is finally staring back at me. I missed her too much. It's been a long time since I last saw her. She left her apartment and it was hard for me to find her until now when I saw her make her way here...in Alice's apartment.

I apologized to her again. And finally, she smiled at me softly. "You know I want you." She sounded soft as always, but sad. It made my heart flinch. I hated seeing her like this because of my mistakes. But it was time I make it right. 

I saw her eyes slowly become glassy. She was crying. My vision of this beautiful woman became blurry. I realized I was crying, too. She ran to me just as I took a step closer to her and kissed her passionately. I missed the way she tasted, the way she smelled, the way she held my face--as if she had missed me just as much. I savored it all, taking my time, deepening my kisses despite the sloppy movement of my tongue. She loved it, I could tell, because she would let me enter her mouth with a moan. It would always make me pulsate down there. I kissed her more, completely forgetting the rest of the world. Finally, she ran out of breath and slowly pulled away from my face. Her eyes, still closed, I gazed at her face.

Suddenly, my gaze is torn away from her face to Raphael's horrified expression, "What the fuck?!" he shouted. My heart jumped and I felt my head pound as if I had just been awaken from a deep sleep. But I blinked once and realized I was not dreaming at all.

Raphael crouched down on the railings, still horrified. Then I looked behind me and saw another girl, gaping at the sight of us.

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