5: Questions

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A smile crept up but she tried to hide it, though she was bad at pretending. Slowly, Alice turned around and saw his shadow. She could almost see his face in the shadows, she thought.

"You..." The sides of her mouth curved up until she ended up letting out a faint chuckle, unable to hide her joy in her hero's presence.

"You just won't give up." He stated, sounding as if he was forced to come by her house, making Angela's mouth part in surprise. She thought he came because he wanted to, but it seemed to her that he had no other choice. "What do you need?"

"What is it you want?" He asked her, trying not to sound too hard.

Angela inhaled as she was trying to find the right words. "Nothing."

"You're drawing too much attention to this. It's dangerous. It's people who contribute in those websites that ruin our anonymity and chance to work in the shadows for good."

"I wasn't trying to ruin anything. It was an honest and harmless inquiry." Her hostility slightly leaked out of her. If he was not here to see her and is only here to antagonize her, then she thought maybe he shouldn't have turned up.

"Well it won't be harmless if you're dragging too much thought into it. Next thing you know, more people will be sniffing on places they're not supposed to."

"Is that why you're here?"

He paused. Why are you here, then? Turning up in a girl's apartment? Was that her question to him?

She repeated her question, "...to tell me to back off?"

"I already did that before. Looks like you never listen." Leo barked back. "I'm here to find out why you're so curious." And because I want to see you up close.

She did not respond to him. Angela could not respond to him not just because she didn't know how to tell him why, but also because she really was not sure why. Was she just infatuated by his mysterious presence? Was she just grateful that she wanted to return the favor? Or was she ridiculously attached to him because she felt some sort of connection?

What fucking connection? Angela mentally slapped herself. He's here because he wants to tell you to back off.

"Why do you save the city from evil lurking in the streets?"

He paused. He did not expect a question coming out of her, but rather an answer. To him, she sounded like someone fishing for complete answers like reporters...like April. Oh no. She doesn't work for a media company, does she? Is she a journalist?

"I just need answers." She said.

She's just curious, that's all. A part of Leo was slightly disappointed. All reporters, journalists are. Just like April. April was a good journalist and she helped the gang. So, that's fine. But what disappointed him was the fact that maybe she was a journalist that was just really interested in the story and...not him.

Why would she? 

"I'm not giving you any."

"Why not?" She furrowed her eyebrows, "You said you wanted to know what I needed. I need answers."

"You think I'm stupid enough to tell you anything?"

Who knows, she might just happen to spoil it to some other person and it would ruin everything. He would put the gang under the spotlight. People would definitely freak out. She would freak out.

"It's not like I'm asking for your identity." She grabbed hold on the window pane, stabling herself, "I'm asking why you do what you do."

Makes it worse, he thought. Thought she would be interested in me. Leonardo tried to push his own thoughts off his head.

Maybe he should just answer her questions, then leave, forever. Because it seemed like she was only really curious about what he did and not who he was as he ridiculously daydreamed sometimes. Suddenly, he wished he just stayed from afar and watched. Yet, if he didn't come by, he would not be able to get a glimpse of her glowing beauty up close.

"Because there are some evil in this city that no man can rid of. Evil that people would discover before they can even save themselves from."

"So you know better?"

"I didn't say that." Leo sat on the ladder comfortably, leaning his other foot on the brick wall of her apartment, "I'm just saying that..." he paused after realizing he almost said 'we', "...I see beyond the shadows." Leonardo looked around the buildings as he continued, "I take over some things that cops miss. I fill in gaps. I do what needs to be done when evil comes while the rest of the city unconsciously looks away for even a few seconds."

Leonardo sighed before concluding, "I take care what needs to be taken care of."

Angela was silent until it hit her. "Like me." Her eyes glistened as she stared at him. His head quickly turned to glance at her.

Eye to eye, both creatures paused to gaze at each other. The connection, the good tension between them grew stronger. It was as if they knew what those two words meant.

Like me. Like how you took care of me that night. Like how he took care of her when evil came. And maybe like how he would continue to take care of her in the future.

Would there even be a future for them?

"If that answers your question, then I'm done here." Leonardo quickly muttered as he stood, stepping back on the ladder right when he realized what he might have done. He was close to softening up and giving into her which was clearly not a good idea. Unrequited feelings would be embarrassing even between strangers. It would haunt him forever; to be crushing on a girl that only approached him out of curiosity.

Before Leonardo could leave, Angela spoke. And Leo felt relieved as if he also wished she would stop him before he could disappear into the night.

"You didn't answer all of my questions."

Leonardo turned around. Does he really want to give in to this? This is probably going to be a distraction, he thought.

"I don't have any more time--"

"Then come back."

Oh how we wanted to. But he really shouldn't. He won't give in to her requests. It would make her feel like she could get her way all the time. But what if she really wants to see me? Or does she just want to see me to satisfy her temporary interests?

Angela really wanted to see him. She wanted him with her. "You can come back to answer my...other questions." She lied. There was only one question left, but she realized that she would have to make up more just to keep him coming back to her.

"Just a few more questions and then you can leave. I swear. And if you're worried I'd tell anyone, I won't. I'm not like that."

Leonardo turned around trying to keep his frustration, "Says the girl that posted in a website about--'

"I won't post any of that anymore." She promised. Leonardo felt like she was telling the truth. And before he could doubt her again, she spoke, "I don't have to anymore..." She mumbled. Leonardo looked at her, eyebrows furrowed, impatient to hear what the hell she meant.

Angela continued, almost too shy to say it, "...because you're here now." After realizing how that sounded and how desperate she must have looked, she added, "To answer my questions. That is."

Leonardo fought the urge to shake his head at himself, knowing full well that he would agree to see her again. Not to willingly tell her secrets, but to be able to get a glimpse of beauty under the moonlight once again.


I know, I owe yall an explanation. Sorry for the delay, you guys. Too many stuff going on in the outside world. Graduation and job-hunting and all that. Hope yall understand. Won't ever abandon this, dont you all worry now. Hope you enjoyed this though! I'll update more. Just leave your hearts and comments (they keep me motivated, tbh). Have a great day!

xoxo, anon

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