19: Visit

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Angela stalks to  the hallway leading to the another section in the library. Carl greets her on her way when she passes him while he's on the computer encoding book titles for a client. She greets both of them warmly while she takes the cart full of used books. Carl then keeps himself busy as more the other two clients approach his counter and line up to take the book with them.

"I'll get these for you."

"Oh you don't have to do that!" Carl says,

"It's fine. Do these go only in this floor?" Angela asks as she looks down the array of books.

Carl shakes his head when she glances at him, "No, I think maybe half of those came from upstairs." He says once he sees the white tags on the spine of the books on top then shakes his head.

"I think I can manage." Angela says and pushes the cart to begin returning the books.


Working in our library would not really require anyone to exert so much energy if it weren't for people taking books from the second floor and then leaving it on the book cart. But I don't really want to blame them, though. The library is wide and enticing enough for readers since it's a huge place for a two story library. It's too much aisles and spaces for them to walk around. Sometimes it's hard to find each other unless someone walks to the edge of the railings in the middle of the building, lean down and shout.

The library is quiet on the first floor but once the printer and the fax machine is turned on, it makes some light humming sound. Plus, the wide TV drilled against the wall behind Carl has audio and goes on the whole day with the signature piano melody that plays as it portrays photos that could guide people to the library.

It could all be enough to drown out sound from the second floor which is such a relief because Leonardo is here. He managed to sneak in without being seen given the fact that it's day time and the first floor has at least 26 people scattered around. I look down quick before returning to a blindspot at the far corner of the library on the second floor. When I return, Leo is still there waiting for me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. I just saw him when I was returning some of the books aisles away from here.

He smiles at me, "I've never seen you work in here and I wanted to drop by and get a glimpse. But I realized I'm done hiding from you, so I thought I could sneak in."

"And what? Get caught by other people?"

He sighs, "I just wanted to say hi."

I'm just worried we'd get caught and he would not want that. People would never believe that the mysterious hero--who is actually a turtle man--paid his girlfriend a visit in the library. That would sound nuts to everyone. It would not end well. But when I glance at him again and see the expression on his face, I soften like I always do. He has that effect on me. And I can't help it.

I move closer and touch his face. I lean in and kiss him, and he kisses me back weakly. "Sorry," I whisper against his mouth, "I'm just worried someone would see you and you'd run away from me again."

He touches my hand with his, "No one's gonna catch us. I'm like a ninja." He teases.

I sneer and whisper, "Yeah, that's what got us caught by your brother and my sister."

He shakes his head, "That's different. He's also a ninja. It's kinda tricky." He admits and it makes me want to laugh but I hold it in. Good thing he leans in to kiss me again and we share a bit of silence as he deepens the kiss.

I move away and feel a tingling sensation when I realize his whole body is pressed against mine as we're both in the far corner of the aisle. Shelves of books surround us closely in this area because apparently, there's too much books and we only managed to set the shelves close together to fit them all at this corner, grouping the least needed and read books up here. So it's kinda unusual for someone to catch us here unless someone who reads Latin Cookery comes by.

Leo looks down on my body then glances back up to look me in the eyes as if he's telling me something. I raise my eyebrow at him and he could not help but drop his head and chuckle lightly.

"What?" I have to ask,

He shakes his head and leans his hand on the wall just on top of my head, "Nothing. I just feel all weird."

I feel weird, too, to be honest. A good weird, though. There's not a lot of space here, it's dark, and I'm horny as hell. And I think that's what he meant too.  So I take his hand and drag it from my kneecap and up to my inner thigh. His hand feels cold on my skin and it makes me shiver, adding to the tensing hunger my flesh is demanding. Finally, he lets his own hand make its way on my sex, and it almost makes me ride him right there. But we take our time.

We can only hear our breathing. We're looking right at each other as his finger enters me repeatedly, slowly, until I'm wet enough to take his cock again. I tip my head up as I feel pleasure when he folds his wide fingers inside me reaching what seems to be the perfect spot, and he starts licking on my neck.

I try so hard not to make any sound but it's difficult. I moan lightly, he responds by curling his finger and fucking me with it again. I keep my eyes closed now, just focusing on everything. Then, I feel him put out. And in a split second, I feel a warmer skin rub against my clit. I open my eyes and look down that my skirt has been lifted up by his hands as he grasps my waist, preparing to push and pull. I lean my forehead against his and we both look at each others lips, parted and exhaling.

Then, he finally slides his cock inside me and I feel every inch enter, filling me up smoothly. I gape silently, and he bites on his lip. His hands tighten around my waist. He pushes me up and against the wall, and finally releases me to land on his cock. He's so fucking deep inside me I think I'm gonna go crazy. He easily carries me and pushes me down deeper into his cock; penetrating me as he carries me with both hands like I don't weigh anything, and it makes me crazier.

He thrusts faster and faster and I feel like having an orgasm. I'm gripping on everything I could. He tightens his hold on me as well, letting me know that he's close, too. And finally, I bury my face on his neck as I lick and suck hard on the traps of his shoulders just as I have an earth shattering climax. Once he feels me tighten around his manhood, I realize he cums as well. I feel the warmth of his juices squirt and fill me up. He tries to bury his cock deeper inside me, not knowing that I could feel the tip of him deep inside and feel an amount of liquid inside me. He slowly pulls out and I feel so much liquid drip out of me. I look down and see that we've made a mess on the floor and gape at the sight of it. He keeps me lifted in his arms as he looks down as well.

"Shit." I curse under my breath and he looks at me to shrug,

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I'd..." he looks down again then at me, "...cum so much."

I shake my head at his apology and just press my mouth against his, dismissing the reckless act we've just done for now and savoring the amazing and crazy sex we just had.

"Next time we try my library office." I say as I pull away, and his eyes widen at me, knowing that this was only the beginning of our little naughty adventures.

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