18: Daylight

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Leonardo and Raphael enter the apartment and the sisters glance at them. They both smile at their lovers who feel a little awkward to the situation, and continue preparing the food; pizza boxes sprawled all over the wide coffee table. Leo sits beside Angela across the living room window. She watches him sit and rest his arm on her leg. Raphael settles right behind Alice, enclosing her between his legs. Knowing he'd get comfy behind her, she leans against him, looks up and kisses him before leaning forward to grab herself a slice of pizza.

It was such a relief that Angela's cheerful attitude and Alice's warm personality brought a good vibe; it was as if awkwardness vanished into nothingness, like this was just a normal thing. The sisters were good with that. They had a beautiful and peculiar way of viewing the world, and luck had led them to those who needed them most.

The next morning, Alice and Raphael are left alone in her apartment. Leonardo left earlier that night to head back to the sewers and let Angela stay the night with the couple. Alice wakes up and finds her sister clutching her bag's strap and reaching for her phone on the counter. Angela smiles and walks to her sister to give her a hug, thanked her, and let her know that she had work later at noon. Alice lets her sister leave and then turns around to see Raphael scratching his eye.

He stands against the door pane, trying to wake himself up. Alice smiles at the sight of the naked Raphael. She tries to hide her smile but it turns to a grin. "You know I'm not happy about you walking around naked like that around other people."

He looks at her confused, "She just left so I figured I'd get comfy."

"So this is what I have to deal with from now on?" Alice teases as she walks towards Raphael. He wraps his wide arms around her and looks down at Alice resting her chin on his chest. They share a deep kiss.

"Yeah, we have to talk about that."

Alice furrows her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"Remember how you wanted me to stay with you here forever? Like move in? Because we had a hard time whenever I had to sneak out?" Raph tries to recall,


He keeps his arms around her and leans his body against the wall, letting Alice settle her full weight against him, "You know I don't have to really move in to see you every night? Or even everyday?"

She pauses, "Right."

They both pause.

Then Raph leans closer, "Right right?" He teases, "You're not upset, right?"

Alice looks away and rests her cheek on his chest and thinks for a few seconds. Then she looks up again, "Well, if your family knows, I don't see the problem how you can't stay here all the time?"

"Alice, listen. I love you so much. But I think moving in and leaving them behind is too much, especially when they already know and accepted this. Meaning, I can see you whenever I want. You don't actually expect me to stay here in the house with you 24/7, right?"

"When I said you'd stay with me forever, of course I knew that you can't be here 24/7, Raph. I'm not stupid." She tries to pull away but he keeps her enclosed in his warmth, his manhood completely pressed against her abdomen now.

"Hey, hey. I didn't say you were stupid. Don't get upset. I'm just explaining."

Suddenly, Alice's cheeks flush red. She sighs, looks down then back at him, "Sorry. Just getting a little selfish cos I've never really..."

Raph lets her finish, waiting patiently. It was something he learned as he spent his time with her: patience.

"...I never really had a real committed relationship, so I'm still trying to figure out this whole clingyness I'm feeling with you." She explains.

Raphael nods. "I understand. Me, too. In fact, I've never been in a relationship before." He laughs at himself and slightly sways his body with hers.

Alice pulls away and Raphael lets her. "Yeah well you're pretty much handling it better than I am." She grimaces as she walks back in her room.

A beam of sunlight spreads across the bedroom floor. Alice draws it slightly to get enough privacy inside her room. She would not want neighbors from afar seeing a towering figure of a turtle walking around in daylight. The thought makes her chuckle. She turns around and finds Raphael standing, stark naked, and hard.

"Ya laughin' at me, cutie?" He smirks,

Alice shakes her head and leans against the window sill, "I can't believe you're here. It's 8 AM and you're here with me."

Raph slowly approaches her, still smirking. "Do you prefer I come around 9 PM?" There was a hint of seduction in his voice. Alice noticed that Raph had comfortably shown a part of himself ever since he opened up to his family. He had been expressive with his words, teasing, and sexy as hell. Never did she think that she would find one so sexy that she would feel wet before he even laid a hand on her.

Raphael watches Alice tense but reaches for her cheek. He caresses her cheek then traces his finger across her lips. Alice makes a soft sound, and Raph's manhood twitches. He touches her differently this time: his other hand makes its way down to her chest to cup her breast. It's as if he knows what he's doing and he's taking full control.

He leans down and kisses her deep and pulls away, but keeping a close distance. 

"You really wanna do it this early?" Alice asks lightly,

Raph chuckles softly, "Oh, I wanna do it anytime of the day."

"Damn, Raph. Where is this coming from?"

"Gotta rise up to your level of kinkiness." Alice scoffs and before she can say anything, Raph swiftly carries Alice in his arms making her squirm. He lays her on the bed and starts kissing her passionately, his hands grasping her wrists, pinning them beside her head. He releases her and quickly undresses her until she is lying naked like him.

"Now I get to see--" Raph traces a kiss down her neck, "--every inch of you--" then he laps on her breast, "--in day light."

Alice's eyes close as she gapes at the tingling sensation, making her nipples hard. She allows Raphael to take control. He moves down and licks her bare flesh, making Alice thrust her hips upwards. Her body asks for more and Raphael gives her just that.

Just in time, before Alice could climax in Raphael's mouth, he moves and enters her. Raphael's manhood slides in and feels her tightening. She squirms in the pleasure and he moans. But Raphael does not stop. He thrusts repeatedly, his elbows propped beside her head, enclosing her in his own space again. He loved having her close, he loved that he had her alone. And in one last thrust, Raphael pulls out but keeps his face and arm close to Alice; His other hand grips himself and strokes as he releases his juices all over Alice's shivering skin.

Minutes pass and Alice receives a kiss on her forehead. She sits up and heads to the bathroom. Raphael asks her why she's in a hurry.

"We have a whole day to ourselves. Let's not just spend it doing this."

Raph furrows his eyebrows, "What else do you have in mind aside from making love? Is there anything more fun than this?"

Alice walks out of the bathroom and gives him a look.

"What?" Raph shrugs,

"We're gonna watch a movie and all that in the living room."

Raph shrugs again, "Alright, whatever you say."

"Let's just do stuff--normal stuff--while you're not busy with your missions and all."

He stands up.

"Shower with me first." She says and Raph's eyes widen. He smirks. 


The update you've all been waiting for is finally here lol. I hope I did not disappoint you guys. Thank you for always reading! See you in the next chapter!

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