11: Warm

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As I knelt down, I looked straight into her eyes. I hesitated, yet my body wanted her. I wanted her so bad that I could not help but make sure I was doing the right thing. Angela looked back into my eyes with lust, reassuring me that she wanted it, too. She sat up and leaned closer to me, her hands wrapped at the back of my head, like she was about to kiss me again. But she only stared at my mouth, then glanced into my eyes.

"Do you want this?" I had to ask her. But it was more of a question I wanted to ask myself.

She leaned even closer, "I want you." She said.

I felt my cock twitch at her response because it knew it wanted her, too. But I have never done any of this before. I never even thought it was possible, neither doing it with a human. Sex was always out of discussion back home. Maybe because they thought it was impossible or that we did not have some sort of sexual aching. But in that night, I felt myself ache like I have never ached before.

I wanted her touch so bad. I want her.

It's been long since I watched her from afar and watched her beauty. Now, she was right in front of me and she wanted me. I felt her hand travel down to my chest and cock.

Porn did not tell me anything about nervousness. Nobody taught me about first experiences. I was on my own.

Angela saw me breathe deeply. "Do you?" She asked me, almost worried that I did not want her. I shook my head, still looking down. But I made myself look up.

I would face danger and death with courage, and here I was close to cowering in front of desire and sex. I could not let that happen. Not to Angela who wanted it badly as I did. I mustered all my courage and admitted to myself that morals and right and wrong did not matter. She wanted it, and I wanted it, that's what mattered. And I'm going to give it to her.

"I want you so bad." I said hoarsely, unable to say the words properly because my throat was dry. It was dry that I needed her wet mouth on me again. So I kissed her aggressively, not caring about what was right or wrong, what my brothers would think, what master would even think. I only cared about what I wanted as selfish as that sounded. I cared about what she wanted.

I unbuckled my belt that kept all my tools and I slid them across her carpet floor without looking away or pulling away from the kiss. Then I began stroking myself, realizing her hand was close to my cock, I pulled hers to make her stroke me instead. Her hands felt so soft and warm against my erection. She had no mercy; she stroked me so fast like she wanted me to cum already. She pulled away from the kiss and leaned down to lick the tip of my cock.

She licked the tip, the hole, then my shaft. Then she slapped it lightly against her mouth as she eyed me. She got comfortable and lied on her stomach before completely sucking every inch of me. I groaned so hard, unable to keep quiet as I felt a billion sensation hit every nerve in my body. God, she was fucking amazing. How did she even know how to do this?

Then, the unwanted idea crept in my mind. I groaned and got pissed for a split second, thinking that she had done this before. I grabbed her hair and she released me from her mouth. I pulled her to me to kiss her mouth and sloppily taste her, making sure that I'm all over inside her.

Knowing that this female, this human girl is lusting over me and I her got me harder than before. I realized this when I pulled away to look at her. She's so beautiful.

"You taste wonderful." She told me, a little seductive.

Better than the other guys she had before, I hoped. The idea pissed me off again and made me growl lowly. 

Then, she finally rested on her back and spread her legs wide for me. I leaned down on her and settled the tip of my cock against her opening, just rubbing.

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