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Hello ladies, gents, and non-binary friends!! So first off, yes... I am back with a new book. But this is so very much different from the others as I have already written all chapters! Update will be weekly and... Enjoy! :)

Chapter Summary:
Virgil is heartbroken after finding out that his boyfriend had cheated on him. And Roman goes back to comfort his best friend.

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 616

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, will add more soon.

A/N: Finally have a story! :3 This is also partly based off of my first trip to Japan! We stayed at Nagoya, so that'll probably be where they stay rather than Tokyo. Don't worry tho! They still go to Universal Studios and Disneyland & sea (Even tho I never got to go to Disney...)! And they definitely go out to see the cherry blossoms! Also they go there on spring! About the same few days as me! ^-^

Also! Vi's family is very rich, alright? XDD

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"I'm sorry Virgil... I just don't love you anymore..."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I heard his voice in my head. It was stupid of me to believe that he did actually love me in the first place. And even more so that I fell for him.

"Virgil?" I heard someone from out my door say, as a knock followed. It was my mom.

"Go away..." I firmly said, attempting to hide the sorrow in my voice.

"Virgil please, if you don't wanna talk to us then at least open the door? You have a visitor." Mom said, her voice full of sympathy.

"Well, whoever it is tell them to leave!" I exclaimed. "I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone!"

Then silence followed, before a few whispers were exchanged outside my door. It went on for a few minutes before I heard my mom sigh in defeat saying fine as footsteps followed. My guess is she left.

But then, I heard a knock my door again, making me second guess my decision, until a different voice said, "Virgil?"

I recognized it immediately, it was my best friend's voice, Roman. But, what was he doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be in London, spending time with his family?

"R- Ro?" I said, my voice breaking, hardly believing that my friend's back.

"Yeah, it's me Virge, I came back as soon as your parents told me what happened. May I come in?" He asked, voice filled with determination.

I hesitated before replying, "Fine..."

Roman opened the door slowly, a small creak sounding from it. Once he was in, I heard the door close before hearing his footsteps get closer. Then I felt the bed dip, and I knew he was there, and just his presence made me feel calmer...

He didn't speak, he didn't do anything because he knew that I'd say something when I'm ready, which was something I admired about him.

After a moment of silence, that's when he decided to speak up, "Would you like a hug?"

I looked up at him to see his arms spread, an invitation. And I could only nod before I felt his arms around me, and that's when I broke, tears continuously falling from my eyes as he reminded me to breath.

It was a pattern that I'd grown used to throughout these past few years that we've been friends.

Once I felt calmer, I finally pushed him back a bit, looking into his golden brown eyes.

"Th- Thanks for the comfort Ro." I whispered. "You're always there when I need you."

"Of course, that's what best friends are for." He said, playfully bumping my shoulder. "So, you mind telling me what happened?"

I nodded my head, before reminiscing as I told him about the messy break-up. And the more I looked back on it, the more pain I felt in my chest. And I hated the feeling, I hate being the only one who got hurt. I hate him, and I hate this feeling.

After I finished explaining, Roman pulled me in for a hug again.

"I am so sorry you had to endure through all that." He said, rubbing my back as a calming gesture. I hadn't even realized I was shaking until he did that.

"You didn't do anything wrong, so you don't have the right to apologize." I replied, slowly calming down. After a moment of silence I spoke up again. "I never want to fall in love again..."

Roman didn't respond, only nodding in what I could only think of as a silent agreement.

And with that, I swore to myself that I'm never gonna fall again.

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Heeey!! So here's the prologue!! Hope ya'll liked it! And I just remembered that I do not have a taglist in Wattpad (that or it doesn't exist like the strikethrough) so Imma just leave ya'll there! Until next week! :3

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