Chapter 5

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Swimming and Dancing

Chapter Summary:
Patt and Lo invite Ro and Vi for a little swim. And later into the evening Ro invites Vi to dance a little and soon after the two fall asleep tangled with each other after watching a movie

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1957

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, Virgil gets thrown into the pool (but with complete mental consent as it wasn't spoken), implied nsfw, will add more soon.

A/N: Hiya ladies, gents, and non-binary friends! It's the time of the week again! Hope you guys like this fluff fille chapter. ;)

One last fluff before getting back to reality mates! Enjoy! ;)

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Virgil let out a relaxed sigh.

After four days of going out and doing activities (aka, went to the mall on the first day, to Disney land and sea on the second and third day, along with Universal on the fourth day), they finally have the chance to once again relax in the hotel room.

Or at least relax for an hour before Patton ultimately burst into the room, in his swim trunks and a shirt.


Virgil groaned as he complied, while Roman only laughed at Patton's high excitement, dressing up as well.

Patton patiently waited, sitting on the bed - while Virgil was currently changing in the bathroom, jumping up and down in high excitement.

"You sure seem excited Patt." Roman laughed, smiling over at him as he turned off the television.

"'Course! I LOVE swimming!" Patton excitedly said, as Virgil left the bathroom.

"And you're a great swimmer. No doubt." Virgil added as he grabbed a towel and his black satchel, placing his phone and the room key in it. "Saved my life when I was five..."

"Ooh! I remember when you told me that!" Roman said, letting out a hearty laugh, knowing full-well his own freaked out reaction after hearing the first part of the story.

"Yeah well, let's just not dwell on it for too long..." Virgil cut in. "Let's go."

--- --- ---

"Mom and Dad aren't here?" Was the first thing Virgil said as they met up with Logan.

"Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders decided to have a mall day today." Logan replied, adjusting his glasses.

"You swim with glasses too?" Virgil asked, an eyebrow raised as he removed his shirt.

"Yes, I don't exactly see anything if I don't wear glasses... You are aware of that correct?" Logan responded, not meaning to sound rude, but ultimately failing.

"Yeah, no- I just... Was curious..." Virgil muttered, feeling his face burn in embarrassment.

"Alrighty then kiddo!" Patton exclaimed breaking the growing awkward tension that was starting to fill the air, as he lifted Virgil in his arms.

"What the-?! Patton!! Put me down!" Virgil exclaimed, glad that the place wasn't very crowded.

"Well, no! I know full well you aren't gonna swim unless someone gets you completely wet so... In the water you go!" Patton laughed out, knowing that his brother was fine with being thrown in the pool. (He did, it was first established when their own dad threw Virgil in the pool and endlessly apologized even after Virgil established that it was fine and that he didn't mind.)

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