Chapter 10

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Brotherly Confrontations ~ 15,082

Chapter Summary:
Patton finally confronts Virgil about all that's happened and Vi confesses his feelings to which Patt advices him to talk to Roman.

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1258

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, will add more soon.

A/N: HEY THERE PEOPLE OF WATTPAD!!! And maybe a few from tumblr! How are you all? Good I'm hoping? Comment me how you are, I'm pretty darn curious 'bout it!

Well, here it is! The chapter you've all been waiting for! Virgil's final realization, he finally figures it out and I feel so proud! Hope you guys like! :D

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Patton paced the living room as Logan watched him.

"My heart, I believe you're overthinking things... Perhaps you should ask your brother on what's going on?" Logan said, snapping Patton back to reality.

"I'm sorry Lo..." Patton sighed, taking a seat next to his beloved boyfriend.

"It's quite alright. But I really do think you should talk to him." Logan replied, placing an arm around Patton, which made Patton lean his head on his bumblebee's shoulder.

"I know. And I will, I just need a moment to think..." Patton said, his voice soft and gentle. Logan nodded, not saying another word until Patton spoke up again. "Do you... Do you think he and Roman broke up?"

Logan glanced down at his lover to find blue sad eyes looking up at him. "Well, it is probably, but I have a suspicion of my own. Roman seemed so smitten for your brother, and yet Virgil seemed so hesitant. But, my suspicions aren't for me to share until I'm a hundred percent sure."

Patton sighed, relaxing into his boyfriend's warm cuddle. "I suppose I'll have to ask him that then."

Logan hummed in response, brushing his fingers through Patton's hair.

"Remember our first argument?" Logan spoke up after a moment, to which Patton nodded, humming in response. "I thought- I thought you hated me then, I thought you were gonna break up with me, tell me it's over, and leave. I never thought that you would apologize the way you did, it was dumb and petty and... It was my fault. You have no idea how much I tried to push my pride and stubbornness away, how much I wanted to tell you that I didn't mean a single word-"

"That's why you broke." Patton finished for him, intertwining their fingers. "You snapped awake, apologized, cried, all because you were scared. Scared to lose me even when I thought I wasn't worth it. We were both standing there, in front of your old room, tears in our eyes, breathless from sobbing, and fear in ourselves. Afraid to lose one another. That's the moment I realized that I was so helplessly in love with you. You've never looked as gorgeous as you did back then."

Logan felt a tear leave his eye as a sob escaped his lips, making Patton sit up straight, looking at him. "Bumblebee? You're crying..." He pointed out, holding up his hands and wiping the stray tears with his thumbs.

"S- Sorry..." Logan said, a hiccup interrupting him mid-word. "I- I just..."

"It's okay Lo. It's alright." Patton gently said, softly bumping their head together. "We're alright."

--- --- ---

Virgil felt like screaming into his pillow.

Scratch that, he already is screaming into his pillow. For frustration relief.

He had kept himself huddled up in his room since the trip to the mall. Mainly because he just couldn't see the point in leaving, that and he believed that he couldn't just face his feelings, or anything for that matter! It wasn't as easy as fanfics make it seem. He isn't even done figuring out his own feelings!

Little did he know that Patton was right outside his room, hand raised, ready to knock. Patton took a deep breath before he sighed, knocking on the door.

"Kiddo?" Patton asked through the door. "You okay in there?"

"M'fine!" Virgil replied, his voice muffled by the pillow covering his face.

Patton lightly chuckled opening the door, smiling as he saw his brother laying on the bed, his pillow covering his face while a hand rest on top of it, the other just laying on his stomach.

"Alright, you can't fool me Virge, what's wrong?" Patton asked, sitting next to Virgil's body, resting a hand on his.

"I-" Virgil sighed, before restarting his sentence. "I don't know Patt, I just... I don't know..."

"Alright, what happened? Is it Roman? Did you two break up? Did he break your heart? Because I swear to God if he did! I don't care if I consider him my brother and that he was your best friend, I will harm him for harming you." Patton quickly questioned, already standing up, determination clear on his face.

Virgil quickly sat up, grabbing Patton's wrist.

"No it's not- Well..." Virgil began. He knew he was coming into this blind, but he can't let Patton do what he knew his brother was going to do. He sighed. "It is about Roman but, he didn't- we didn't break up... How can we if we were never a thing in the first place?"

Patton raised a brow, giving his little brother a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" Patton cautiously asked, sitting back down on the bed. Virgil lowered his head before responding.

"I messed up Patt, I messed everything up!" Virgil exclaimed, tears leaving the corners of his eyes as soft sobs escaped his lips. "I- I should've- I should've said it back! I should've said... I should have said it back Patt..."

"Now now Vi, said what back? What happened?" Patton calmly asked, pulling Virgil in for a gentle hug.

"He, Roman, he confessed that he had feelings for me, that he loves me..." Virgil said, stuttering a little.

"Well... Do you love him back?" Patton softly asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No... I mean yes? I mean- I don't know Patt!" Virgil said. "I don't understand these feelings! I feel the same way I've always felt with Roman, but somehow it feels different as well! Like, these feelings seem more... Alive, somehow! And I just... I don't know anymore Patt..."

"Are you really not sure?" Patton asked, his voice soft and calm, yet still somehow held a bit of seriousness.

"YES!!! I mean, what do you expect me to do Patton?! Just run on over to our apartment and ruin his life just because I love him!?!" Virgil cried out, his thoughts slipping out his mouth before he could process what he was saying. "Oh my God, I love him..."

The more he thought about what he'd just confessed, the more he wanted to feel Roman's lips on his again, the more he wanted to feel the imaginary sparks as he did, and the way it made his heart rate accelerate even just by simply thinking about it. It all felt so right.

He never acknowledged these feelings before, simply brushing them off. He hadn't realized that he'd apparently been crushing on his best friend for a long while now. And that those feelings have apparently began to grow, and now... Now he had finally realized, and accepted that-

"I'm in love with my best friend..." Virgil whispered, his voice barely audible but judging by the knowing smile on Patton's face, it was obvious that he had heard it all.

"Well, now that you've realized it, then why not go talk to him?" Patton suggested. "You two have a lot of things to talk about, and to definitely try and work out."

"But Patt, he has-" Virgil tried to reason, before getting cut short by his older brother.

"No buts young Sanders! You have you to and try to work things out with him! You've done nothing but stay in your room since the trip and I do not like seeing my little brother upset!" Patton said, clear determination etched on his face. "Now if you don't go, then I will!"

"No!" Virgil exclaimed, eyes wide at his brother's declaration. "Fine! Fine! I'll go talk to him..."

"Good." Patton said smiling widely. "Can't wait for good news then."

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