Chapter 11

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Running Back To You

Chapter Summary:
Virgil goes back to their apartment and fesses up to Roman, he gets an attack and well, a confession takes place.

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1170

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic/anxiety attack, will add more soon.

A/N: Bit of a filler before we get to the last one! A wee bit angsty, mainly talking about Virgil's panic attack, if you want, you can skip that part, starting with "Roman! Before you say anything..." to "It's what friends do." :D

— — — — —

Virgil knew this was insane.

After an entire week of ignoring Roman, here he is, standing in front of their apartment door, hand clenched in a tight fist as he hesitated on knocking.

Good God, why must this be so hard?

He let out a sigh before his fist came in contact with the wooden door, knocking three times before putting down his hand.

Breath Virgil. Just breath... You can do this.

He waited as he heard some ruffling from the other side before the door flew open.

"Ye-" Roman began, cutting himself off as his eyes widened at the sight of his best friend.

Virgil couldn't blame him tho, he probably looked terrible, having ran outside after the talk, he didn't bother changing out of his black pajama bottoms and his gray long-sleeved shirt, wearing a pair of sandals.

"Roman! Before you say anything, can I just say that, I know I look terrible, I know I screwed up, and I know I'm an idiot for what I'd done last week." Virgil quickly ranted out, his voice shaking in the slightest. "And I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I should've let you explain and- I just.. I ju..."

Virgil was finding it harder and harder to breathe. Wait, since when were there tears in his eyes? And why couldn't he breathe? How does he breath? He doesn't remember. He can't remember anything. He's an idiot, so stupid...

He suddenly felt a hand gently wrap around his shoulder, as the owner of said hand began to lead him somewhere. He couldn't tell where, his vision was a blur, and his mouth felt dry, as an overwhelming sense of dread entered his system.

Why is he so stupid? He had one job, and he can't even do it right.

Virgil looked up at the guy in front of him, he assumes that it was Roman. And he was trying to tell him something, but he could barely understand, his hearing felt like that scene from Detroit: Become Human, where Markus was in the dump, looking for spare parts to repair himself.

He felt someone gently grab his hand, guiding it somewhere. Then he felt steady beats, and he understood.

He attempted to follow the beating, calming down slightly as his vision got a little less blurry and he began to hear slightly.

" Virgil. You're doing great, can you hear me now?" He heard Roman's clear voice say. He nodded, but his breathing was still majorly uneven, and tears were still leaving his eyes. "Okay, well can you tell me five things you can see?"

His eyes glanced around the room before he opened his mouth. "Th- The t- TV... P- p- pillows... Th- the cof- coffee t- table.. G- glass of- glass of wa- water... A-and you..." He replied, trying to breath again.

"Virgil breathing exercise, remember..? In for 7, hold for 8, and out for 4..." Roman reminded, to which Virgil nodded. "Good, now can you tell me 4 things you can feel?"

"C- Cushions, t-tears, y- your ha- hand, h- heart- heartbeat..." He was beginning to hear better.

"Great, you're doing so well Virgil, now can give me 3 things you can hear?" Virgil was staring to see Roman properly.

"B- breathing, f- faucet, y- your voice." Virgil felt his heartbeat get slower.

"Good, almost done Virgil, almost there. Can you give me 2 things you can smell?" Virgil sniffed the air after Roman asked.

"Chocol- late... And straw- strawberry..." Virgil felt his breathing begin to even.

"Okay Virge, one more darling, just give me 1 thing you can taste." Roman and his voice was clear now.

"S- Salt... Salty tears..." Virgil shakily replied, and Roman gave him a small smile.

"Are you alright?" Roman asked as Virgil's vision and hearing cleared up completely. He nodded in response before Roman sighed in relief, letting go of his hand before handing him some water. "I know you get dehydrated after these things so, here, have some water."

Virgil took the glass, drinking half before placing it on their coffee table.

"Th- Thank you..." He said, softly.

"It's what friends do." Roman said, a small smile on his face.

Virgil felt a part of him hurt after Roman said that. But he ignored that feeling.

"Wh- Why does it smell like chocolate and strawberries..?" Virgil curiously asked. He was avoiding the inevitable, he knew that. But he didn't want to feel the pressure of it again, at least not after that...

Roman also knew this, so he decided to play along for a moment, he can ask after Virgil had completely calmed down.

"I was eating chocolate covered strawberries. Your cousin, Thomas, came over a few days ago and delivered them to me. But don't worry, I still have some left, figured you'd like some when you get back, ya know? Want me to go get it?"

Virgil nodded, a small smile on his lips as Roman stood up and walked over to their kitchen, walking back holding a box.

He felt his heart leap once Roman's words processed in his mind. 'When'... Roman didn't even doubt that he would come back.

"Here! I already finished my half, I was stress eating, so... I may have eaten one or two from your half without realizing..." Roman stated, blushing lightly.

Virgil only smiled wider at him, taking the box and opening it.

"It's al- alright..." Virgil replied, his voice small and still a little shaky. "Th- thanks..."

"It's no problem." Roman said, leaning back on the couch.

Virgil hesitated before leaning back into Roman, sighing contently as he did, and a light blushing dusting his cheeks.

Roman felt himself flush before gently wrapping an arm around the slightly smaller male.

Virgil felt content, missing the lazy cuddles of his best friend. Only this time, he finally knew what that unknown fluttering meant.

After a moment of silence, and Virgil having eaten a few chocolate covered strawberries, Roman decided to break it. He knew it would ruin the mood, but he felt the heavy tension in the air, while curiosity flooded him. Maybe after Virgil got this out they could get back to cuddling? Then again, he might end up saying the wrong thing again, and this time, he might make Virgil permanently leave. Still, they won't be in complete peace unless he asks, and so he did.

"Virgil, you-" Roman gulped before finishing his sentence. "You wanted to say something?"

Virgil let out a sigh before pulling away from him and looking him straight in the eye.

"Yes... I did, I had something to tell you..." Virgil trailed off, hesitating, not trusting himself as he looked away. "A- And I know this isn't a good time or a good idea, but- but I have to get it out of my chest before I metaphorically explode."

"Okay..?" Roman replied, a confused look on his face as he sat up straight, waiting.

"Roman, I- I love you."

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