Chapter 3

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Packing Up and Airports

Chapter Summary:
Virgil struggles with getting Roman to pack up for the trip, and they end up a few minutes late to meet up with the Sanders family.

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 2264

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, will add more soon.

A/N: WOOOH!!! THAT TIME OF THE WEEK HAS ARRIVED BINCHES!! Just kidding, I love you all. Now, just a quick question, do ya'll know who I am in the good 'ol tumblz? No reason really, just curious... Anyway! Welcome back ladies, gents, and non-binary friends! I have no idea why but I am very used to tumblr at this point- I actually- XDD

This seems so much like a filler chapter... ;-;

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Virgil is in panic mode.

The night previous was apparently the night before the day that they go to the airport and meet up with the family, and Roman was being an asshole and rejected packing up immediately, instead just being completely chill about the situation.

"Roman please! You gotta pack up now and re-check your crap tomorrow!" Virgil had exclaimed.

"But I'm gonna use most of the shit that I'll probably end up packing, so why pack now if I can pack tomorrow?!" The aspiring actor had replied.

"Well, at least get your clothes ready!! You literally have nothing inside your fucking suitcase!" Virgil had argued, gesturing to the empty suitcase that lay in the corner.

"Oh shush, I can easily finish that quickly!" Roman had retorted.

And now, here they were, Virgil yelling at Roman as he quickly packed his stuff. Roman had apparently overslept, and so they were left with an hour to get ready and get to the airport to meet up with the rest of Virgil's family.

"I fucking told you to pack up your shit! But did you listen? Oh no! Because 'I can easily finish that quickly!' Ameh-meh-meh-meh-meh! Blah!" Virgil said, imitating his best friend.

"You know, you could help me out right?!" Roman complained, his hair still wet and a mess, outfit messy, as he stuffed as much clothes and essentials that he can in his luggage.

"No way! You have brought this upon yourself! Now you suffer my complaining while you do that by yourself!" Virgil retorted, arms crossed.

Roman rolled his eyes at that before continuing on multitasking.

--- --- ---

"Fucking finally!" Virgil exclaimed as they left the taxi, taking their luggages from the back before going over to security check. "Took us long enough! My parents and Patton along with his boyfriend are probably lined up to board their luggages, so come on, we have to hurry so we can catch up to them!"

Roman only had time to nod in response before Virgil started running, him following behind.

"Hey! Slow down a little Vi! My entire being isn't exactly prepared to run as much seeing as I have tired myself running around the apartment to get all that I need!" Roman complained, attempting to catch up to him.

Virgil heeded his request, slowing a little.

"You better hurry slow poke!" Virgil said, chuckling.

"Asshole." Roman muttered.

"I heard that!"

After a little bit more of running, Virgil finally found his parents and brother, along with a familiar looking guy, who were standing in line for the baggages.

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