Chapter 8

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Ex and Realization

Chapter Summary:
A week after the trip, Virgil end up going to the park which led to him seeing his first heartbreak again... Will things end well?

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1297

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, will add more soon.

A/N: Ladies, gents, non-binary friends, how ya'll doin? You can answer through comments! Dw! :)

A little time skippy, and also, Vi meets his ex again! And I'm gonna need opinions on how you feel about his ex's character, m'kay? So please comment! Tis the only time I'll be asking this..

— — — — —

It's been a couple of weeks since Virgil last saw him.

After they got back from Japan, Virgil quickly noted Roman that he'll be staying over at Patton and Logan's apartment before packing up a few things and leaving.

And now here he lay, in Logan's old room –now pegged as the "guest room" ever since he and Patton decided to stay in the same room– on the floor with the blinds down, music blasting from the speakers.

"Kiddo?" A voice said as a knock came from the door. Patton.

"Yeah?" He groaned out, not wanting to be disturbed from his misery. Losing his best friend of 8 whole years could take a lot out of you.

"Can I come in?"


The door silently opened, Virgil not bothering to notice as "The Mighty Fall" play from the speakers.

"How the mighty fall so stupidly in love..." He muttered under his breath.

"Alright, you know, there is a perfectly comfortable bed just a few feet away from you, right?" Patton let out a sigh.

"Yes..." Virgil shortly replied.

"Vi, you should go out today, have a day in the sun. Go visit the park, doesn't that help you think?" Patton asked.

"I suppose..." Virgil replied.

"Vi, please... I'm your brother and I'm just trying to look out for ya." Patton pleaded, sitting on the bed.

Virgil, tho hesitant, agreed to go. He supposed it was high time he left the house to the couple again.

"Fine, I'll go. Not like I had any plans today anyway..." Virgil replied, getting up off the floor with a groan.

--- --- ---

Virgil breathed in a deep breath as he stood at the foot of the park.

It was a cloudy day, with the sun's rays only peaking a bit from above them, the park wasn't as crowded and he was glad for that.

He started his trek down the path letting his thoughts drip, going back to the Japan trip. So many wonderful memories, and it all just went...

Virgil let out a sigh as he found himself stood before a bench under the shade of a tree, his and Roman's spot. He looked around before deciding to sit down, as a mental flashback occurred, that being, nightfall fireworks in Disneyland...

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