Chapter 4

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Arrival In Tokyo

Chapter Summary:
The gang arrives in Tokyo, and to proceed, bunch of cute picture are taken thanks to Virgil, and a few sneaky Prinxiety moments via Patton. Then they all end up staying in for the day, getting settled in the hotel room.

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1475

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, will add more soon.

A/N: Alright! Hello ladies, gents, and non-binary friends! Welcome back, to... This thing! :D I have no idea what else to say... :P

Once again, very filler-ish, I apologize, expect 2 more chapters like this. :P

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Virgil woke up with a start.

There was ringing in his ears, and a weight at the top of his head. He let out a yawn as he realized that the plane must have landed already. He looked up to see Roman still snoozing, leaning on his head. He let a small smile grace his lips as he attempted to wake his best friend-slash-fake boyfriend up.

"Hey Ro, we're here!" He whispered, nudging Roman a little.

"Viii!! Five more minutes!" The theater enthusiast whined before clinging onto Virgil's arm.

"Roman come on!" Virgil said, giggling at the boy's antics. "We need to go! If you don't wake up, I'm leaving you."

"Nuuu!!!" Roman whined, his grip tightening around Virgil's arm.

"For fucks sake Ro!" Virgil laughed, not noticing his brother listening in from in front of them.

"Vi! Language please." Patton jokingly scolded as turned to face them. "And Roman, wouldn't want to keep your boyfriend waiting! Vi tends to be quite an impatient bean when it comes to his favorite things."

And to that, Roman's eyes quickly snapped open as he sat up straight, saying, "So it wasn't a dream?"

"Nope, not a dream babe." Virgil said, once again letting out a small laugh. "Now come on, we have to go.

Roman smiled, feeling himself melt a little with that adorable 'Virgil laugh'. Goodness, stop him from falling harder for this boy.

--- --- ---

It's cold, and Virgil is finalizing that statement.

They were currently cramped in the subway, but the assumption began the moment they stepped off the plane. It is so very cold.

"Butterfly, you alright?" He heard his dad ask, turning his head to the direction of his parents.

"'Course I am love." His mother replied, smiling as she leaned into him. "I always am when I'm with you."

It was a cheesy move on his mother's part, Virgil admits, but that doesn't stop it from being an adorable gesture, something Virgil had always thought about but wouldn't exactly admit anymore.. His parents are the only reason he still believes in love, those two are inseparable.

"Bumblebee, you're shivering!" He heard Patton quietly exclaim, diverting his attention towards them now. "D'you need some gloves? Another jacket, or hoodie? Or a hat?"

Virgil felt his heart warm as Logan lovingly smiled at his older brother, fondly looking at him as he replied, "Not necessary, my heart. I'm good."

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