Chapter 6

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Visiting Cherry Blossoms

Chapter Summary:
The family vacation is about to come to an end. That being said, it's the day before they leave Japan, and of course, saving the best for last, Charles and Katheryn Sanders end up taking the gang to the cherry blossom garden... But things end up getting real bad for the fake couple.

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1500

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, along with a kiss at the end of this particular chapter, will add more soon.

A/N: Hiya ladies, gents, and non-binary friends! It's the time of the week again! Hope you guys like this fluff fille chapter. ;)

Once again a filler, but with more time skips than the previous two... :P

— — — — —

Roman was nervous.

He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that something might go wrong. After everything good that's happened in that week, he knew something was gonna happen, he got the same feeling when he went to London with his family just before Virgil's break up. So what could this have meant? He didn't know what to expect, but he's hoping that it couldn't be all too bad.

A knock on the door brought him back to reality, making him look up at the closed door.

"Boys, you ready yet?" He heard from behind the door. It was Mrs. Sanders.

"Uh, no! Not yet mom!" Virgil replied as he wore a shirt. "Almost!"

It was currently lunch time and they were all about to go eat somewhere before going to visit the garden of cherry blossoms.

"You ready Ro?" Virgil asked, glancing at Roman who was putting on his shoes.

"Almost." He replied, smiling up at Virgil before resuming to getting ready.

This was going to be a bit of a looong day.

--- --- ---

Virgil let out a sigh of cold breath, leaning into Roman.

They were currently in the bus, on their way to the Cherry Blossom garden.

"Alright kids, just remember! We will be here for the entirety of the day. Up til dinner as we will be eating there." Charles said, just as they arrived. "If ya'll leave before anyone else, please do inform us."

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Welp, we're here kids! Be sure to enjoy!" Katheryn said, smiling at the four boys as they all headed towards the entrance.

--- --- ---

Virgil snapped a few pictures as he and Roman walked down the path.

The garden- thankfully didn't have a lot of people... At least not yet.

"This place is big." Roman said, looking around.

"I know right." Virgil said as he glanced at Roman, snapping another picture of the scenery with Roman in it.

This cycle has been going on for quite some time now, with Roman making small talk, and Virgil taking pictures.

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