Chapter 2

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Movie Nights and Ideas

Chapter Summary:
Virgil gets the idea during movie night with Roman. But he had to plan out how to ask him. And with no plans of ruining movie night, he decides to ask him the next day.

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1194

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, will add more soon.

A/N: Alright! That time of the week again! What's up ladies, gents, and non-binary friends! Must say that there might be small fluff ahead? Not sure if it is tho... But if it has you squealing then CONSIDER IT!! :DD


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Virgil is stressed.

He only had about three days left, well two if the current day didn't count seeing as it was already nighttime, and he still hasn't packed nor does he have a fake boyfriend! What was he gonna do!?! He can't just tell his mom that he lied! Nor can he he just cancel! This is Japan! A place he's been wanting to go to for a long while now, he just didn't have enough money nor the guts to ask his oh so wealthy parents for the money! Plus, the expenses have probably been paid and he doesn't want his parents' money to go to waste, no matter how much extra they have.

"What am I supposed to do Ro?! We've already asked our friends and they're all apparently busy or have plans for the week that we're staying there!! And I can't just ask complete strangers to go with! It'll be uncomfortable, and it would be extremely similar to being set up! What am I supposed to do??" Virgil groaned out.

"No worries Vi!" Roman cheered on as he finished setting up the movie for movie night, which was apparently the romantic comedy "The Proposal" since it was Roman's turn to choose something other than Disney for the month. "I'm sure you'll think of something!"

Then Roman walked over to sit next to Virgil, who was holding the bowl of popcorn.

A little into the movie, Virgil leaned against Roman, still pondering on his problems as he glanced at Roman's face which had that cute little smile as he wrapped an arm around Virgil. This wasn't an unusual occurrence between the two of them, their level of comfort was high enough for them to cuddle, or sleep in the same bed without it seeming weird or it being awkward afterwards.

Virgil smiled as he let out a sigh of contentment, the tension leaving as he snuggled up to Roman.

And that's when the idea crossed his mind. But would it be worth it? Will he even agree to it??

In the end, Virgil decided against ruining the night with a stupid question, opting to just ask it after the movie or at least the next day, when they aren't as sleepy or relaxed.

--- --- ---

Virgil woke up in his room. Roman must've carried him there as his final moments of consciousness was sleepily leaning against Roman, the last thing he saw was a scene from the second movie that they were watching which was "27 Dresses". It was the scene where the two main characters were getting drunk in the pub.

He sleepily rubbed his eyes, groaning as he sat up, checking the clock, it was 8 am; Friday; March 23, 2018. Which meant he had two more days before they leave for the trip on Sunday, March 25.

"Fuck." He muttered, laying back on his bed with a soft thud as he recalled last night's thoughts. He covered his eyes with his arm as he continued to mutter, "I have to tho. He's the only person that I'm the most comfortable with. And if push comes to shove, I might even end up begging, offering to do anything as long as he says yes..."

He moved his arm away from his eyes, sighing. "Yup... That should work."

And with that in mind, he sat up before getting out of bed.

Virgil went through his morning routine, first heading to the bathroom to wash the last bit of sleep off his face, then continuing on his way to the kitchen, dreading to see his roommate again, but for a good reason. He feared that this request might ruin the friendship that they'd worked hard to build ever since that day in the boys' restroom back in highschool.

"Hey Vi, you're up early..." His best friend yawned as he walked in, stretching a little as he walked over to his box of cereal. "Have you thought of something yet, by the way? For your- thing?"

Roman then started preparing breakfast while Virgil prepared his own bowl of cereal, finding that it was surprisingly already finished.

"Have you been eating my cereal again Ro?" He asked, to which the other flushed in embarrassment, not saying a word. Yet another reason of persuasion for this. "You need to attempt to control yourself around that. One of these days I will catch you on camera ya know?"

"Alright alright..." Roman said, as he poured milk into his bowl.

Virgil let out a small chuckle at his friend's adorableness, before going to the living room, setting down his bowl on the coffee table and taking a seat on the couch, Roman doing the same afterwards, before going back to the kitchen and returning to the living room with two cups of coffee.

"Cup of coffee to the best and most forgiving roommate ever." Roman said, setting down a cup of coffee near Virgil's bowl of cereal. He had the tendency of doing this whenever Virgil finds out that he stole some of his cereal.

Virgil rolled his eyes before remembering what he was supposed to ask his best friend.

"Hey Ro?" Virgil nervously asked, looking over at his roommate who had taken a seat next to him.

"Yeah?" Roman asked, looking up from the remote to face Virgil. "You want to watch something else?"

"No. No I-" Virgil gulped before continuing, "I think I found the person who could pretend to be my boyfriend throughout the trip..."

"Oh?" Roman said, intrigued by the sudden announcement. "Really? Who would that be?"

"Yeah, I- I just thought..." Virgil paused, taking a deep breath to stop himself from stuttering even more. "I just thought that maybe, you'd be the perfect person to go to this thing with..."

When Roman didn't reply, Virgil continued. "It's just that you're my best friend! And you wouldn't have to be alone here, not that you couldn't handle yourself. Plus! We get to hang out in the place that we've been saving for and wanting to go to for a few years now! We might actually enjoy the trip despite the romance that my family might engage us in..."

Then silence, as Roman thought about it. It did seem like a worthy plan, they were best friends after all, and there have been so many instances where people had thought them to be a couple with how sweet their teasing and banter was. And the fake dating was a huge plus to this seeing as Roman might never actually experience being Virgil's real boyfriend...

"Okay..." Roman finally spoke, smiling as his best friend's tense form relaxed. "I'll do this but you have to share your cereal with me for at least an entire month!"

"Alright, deal!" Virgil said, smiling widely, his voice showing obvious relief. "Thank you so much Ro! I owe you a whole lot more than just cereal for a month so, if there is anything else I can do in return, I'll do it."

Roman nodded, releasing a small giggle at his crush's giddiness and excitement. "Alright Vi, whatever you say."

God, this boy is gonna be the death of him.

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Whoop! Hope ya enjoyed this chapter! Next week it'll be the "Packing Up and Leaving" chapter, so let's do it! :) (Currently writing this as I commentate, so yeah, these are actual reactions from moi! 😊)

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