Chapter 1

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Chapter Summary:
Years after the break-up and Virgil kept the promise that he made himself despite all the set ups... And now, he has no choice but to look for one after being invited on a trip with his parents.

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 948

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, will add more soon.

A/N: Hi!! So it's that time of the week! Welcome back ladies, gents, and non-binary friends!! Hope ya like this chapter!!! ^-^

Alrighty then! I have no other words apart from a sigh of relief of finally being done!! :D

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It's been 5 years after the break up and Virgil's life couldn't be any better.

He had a job, an apartment that he shares with his best friend, not to mention his parents full support on what he does.

Virgil never truly did fall in love again, after countless of pointless dates that his parents set him up on. Yup, life was definitely going great for Virgil. Which is probably what lead him to his current situation. Which began when his father called.

"Hello?" Virgil said through the phone.

"Ah! Virgil! Glad that you actually picked up!" His father replied, voice full of joy.

"Yup! What's up dad?" He asked, entering the kitchen where his best friend was located, leaning against the counter and eating Crofter's Jam on bread.

"Well, your mother and I have planned a surprise family vacation!" His dad excitedly exclaimed through the phone.

"Oh! Oh! Tell him where we're going! And what he has to do!" He heard his mother's voice a bit distanced from the phone.

"I'm getting there my beautiful butterfly!" His father replied to his mom before going back to Virgil. "So basically, we are going to Japan! Staying at this fancy-ish hotel! Your brother will be going! And he said that he was going to bring in his boyfriend! After we talked to Patton about the trip, your mother and I had an agreement on your current... Relationship situation..."

Virgil raised his brow at that. "What do you mean?" He asked, intrigued, and catching the attention of Roman.

"What he means is that we agreed that if you go on this vacation without a significant other, we're going to have to set you up..." His mother replied. She probably snatched the phone from his father, or his father put the phone on speakers, and knowing his parents, it could be either.

"Set me up?!" Virgil exclaimed, once again catching Roman's attention, who's eyes widened at the sudden rise of his best friend's voice. "Like on a date?! Really mom? Dad? Please! I do not want to be set up again! They never work out! Ever!"

"Well, we're sorry honey!" His mother said. "But we just don't want you feeling all left out and lonely what with your father being with me and your brother with his boyfriend, we would really rather you have a romantic companion with you as well."

"Really mom? Why not just bring along a friend then?" Virgil asked, looking up at Roman who gave him a reassuring smile, placing down his sandwich and started sipping on his hot chocolate beverage.

"Because, sweetie, we are sick of this whole nonsense of 'no more love' from you! We know you haven't completely given up on that what with your celebrity crushes and such. Along with the longing looks you give other couples when passing the streets." His mom began to ramble, making him turn into a bright shade of red. "Which is one of the reasons why we plan on setting you up-"

"No! Please don't set me up! Or- or... Or my boyfriend will freak!" Virgil exclaimed, cutting off his mom. He hadn't known what possessed him to say that, but what's done is done and he cannot take back what he just said. Roman almost spat out his drink in surprise at the sudden announcement.

"What?" His mom replied. "You have a boyfriend!?!"

Virgil sighed. Nope, no backing out. "Yes." He replied. "He just, he probably would have refused if I asked him to go with, tho..."

"Well, you have to bring him along now! Force him if you have to sweetie!" His mom said. "I wanna meet this boy."

"Fine." Virgil said. "I'll bring along my boyfriend as long as you and dad promise to never set me up, ever again. Alright?"

Squeals were heard from the other side of the phone before his mom responded. "Of course honey! You're father and I solemnly swear!"

"Great, now when is this trip?" Virgil asked, hoping that he had enough time to find someone to be his temporary boyfriend.

"A week from now." His father answered nonchalantly.

Virgil held back a scream. "Oh?" He asked instead.

"Yup! So you and your boyfriend better get ready for the trip!" His father said. "Anyway, that's all that we wanted to tell you. See ya next week Sport! Bye!"

Then his father hung up.

"Ro... I think I just screwed up..." Virgil said, looking up at Roman.

"Yeah, I heard..." Roman said, his voice soft as he took another sip. "So, when did you get a boyfriend? And who is he? How come I, your bestest best friend, have never heard of him?"

"Because he doesn't exist!" Virgil exclaimed, hands in his hair as he felt the anxiety rising in his chest. "I just lied to my parents so I could get them off my back and now I have a- a week to find a fake boyfriend!"

Roman was quick to notice the panic in Virgil's voice. He quickly set down the cup of coffee before rushing to his best friend's side.

"Vi, you have to calm down. We'll find you a temporary boyfriend alright? I'll help you! We can ask some close friends of ours if they can assist you, alright? Just calm down..." Roman said in reassurance.

Virgil nodded, calming his racing heart as his breathing slowed, the reassuring words of his best friend helping to avoid an attack from happening.

"Th- Thanks Ro..." Virgil stuttered out as his breathing began to even out.

"Okay. Now, let's start contacting some friends, m'kay?" Roman said with a smile, to which Virgil nodded, giving him a weak smile.

— — — — —

Alrighty!! Now I know, I know! These first few chapters are quite boring, BUT it will get better soon! So ya'll strap up for some fluff in the future!! 😊😊

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