Chapter 12

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Chapter Summary:
Virgil confessed, lots of confusion follow, but they knew that everything would be alright.

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1131

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic/anxiety attack, will add more soon.

A/N: Welp! Here it is! We're almost done, but I'm pretty sure that this chapter is the one you've all been anticipation for... So I hope ya'll like it! :)

Also! Happy Pride Month my dearest readers!

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Virgil wanted to curl up and die after those words left his mouth.

He didn't know why he'd done that! Well... He sorta did, mostly for closure... But still! He knew that Roman didn't like him anymore, not after what he'd done! He'd even seen Roman with someone else at the mall yesterday so there's no doubting it.

Roman just sat there, staring at him, eyes wide. So he felt the need to explain.

"Look, I know that you probably don't feel the same anymore, and that you like, have a new boyfriend and stuff. But I just, I had to get it out. I don't expect-" Virgil said, before being interrupted by a kiss on his lips.

But as quick as it came, the lips left his and he was tempted to chase after it, but-

"I apologize! I didn't mean to kiss you without consent, but I had to stop your rambling before the spiral goes too far down. Plus, I had to process that information before I responded..." Roman paused, before looking Virgil in the eyes, his golden brown eyes intense and full of hope. "Do- Do you mean it?"

Virgil's blue-green eyes held sincerity as he nodded, saying, "Yes. I mean it, Roman... I really do love you, and I can't believe it took this long to realize that. And I know I'm too late, but I just had to get it out. I- I'll leave if you want."

Virgil began to get up, before Roman grabbed his wrist. "Wait." He said.

Virgil looked back at him with tear filled eyes, and it broke Roman's heart. He didn't want to see Virgil cry again, he just couldn't. Virgil doesn't deserve this.

"Virgil, you aren't too late or whatever. I'm still in love with you. I have been for nearly 8 years now. I tried to move on believe me, but I just couldn't. And what do you mean boyfriend?" Roman asked.

Virgil's eyes widened. Roman had liked him for how long?! How was he able to keep it for so long? And what about all those boyfriends that he had introduce to Virgil? Is that why they didn't entirely like him? Because their boyfriend, Roman, liked his roommate more? That would actually explain a lot. But-

"What about that guy you were with yesterday? I saw you at the mall, and you were laughing with someone at a cafe??" Virgil asked, confusion lacing his shaky voice.

Roman thought back to the day prior before he started to giggle, which soon evolved to laughing.

"Oh my- Vi! No! You have it wrong!" Roman assured in between laughs.

Virgil felt himself flush, what did Roman mean? Should he get out of there? He feels slightly insulted, and yet he was curious as to what he meant.

"What do you mean?" Virgil asked.

Roman calmed himself before he responded. "I mean, that was Emile I was with yesterday. I went to the mall to go grocery shopping and we bumped into each other, quite literally might I add, and we decided to catch up seeing as I hadn't seen him for a long while now! He came back from England to surprise his boyfriend, Remy!" Roman exclaimed, a wide smile on his face. "He asked me to help hide him and plan the proposal, so yeah, I'm helping Emile now apparently! And we're like planning..."

Virgil let the information process in his head before it clicked into place. Apart from himself, Remy was in panic because his boyfriend, an old friend of theirs, hasn't been talking to him for a while, and both were bugging Virgil's cousin, Thomas, about their situations. Not that it was much help.

"Oh that explains so much now... That's why he seemed familiar despite me not seeing his face..." Virgil muttered, falling to the couch.

"Yeah, so you have nothing to worry about." Roman said, smiling as he stood up, taking his hand and pulling him up.

Virgil felt his cheeks warm up as he was pulled in a hug.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that." Roman whispered in his ear. "I've loved you for so long with no hope of you ever requiting my feelings, and for you to say that you love me too? In a romantic sense, and with so much sincerity? It just means so much to me and, I just... I love you so much Virgil. And I want to kiss you again..."

Virgil felt his heartbeat accelerate. Before he pulled away from the hug to look Roman in the eye.

"Then why won't you?" Virgil whispered, as he began leaning in.

He didn't know where the sudden confidence came from, but he certainly isn't complaining.

"My Mr. Sanders, since when were you this suave?" Roman asked, a cocky smirk on his lips as he raised a brow.

"Just shut up and kiss me, you dork." Virgil chuckled before Roman caught his lips.

And then it was a moment of pure and sweet bliss. As Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman's neck, and Roman wrapped his around Virgil's waist.

They pulled away a moment later, breathless smiles on their lips and dazed looks in their eyes. Roman then moved away from him, walking over to his room, before going back out, hand behind his back.

"Virgil, remember a couple weeks ago? When you asked me to be your fake boyfriend?" Virgil hummed in response. "And remember how you said you owe me big? Well, I would like to ask for a favor in return. And a rather big favor might I add."

Roman took Virgil's hand in his, the other still hidden behind his back, where he held a certain flower.

"Virgil, if you would accept... I'd like to give us a try... So I ask, in return of that big favor you'd stated before, if you would like, will you be my boyfriend?" Roman then held out the flower, which looks like it's been well taken care of, the purple petals more vibrant than before.

"Roman- You..?" Virgil found himself speechless, a single tear escaping his eye.

Roman nodded. "Yeah I- I found it sitting on the bench, just next to the bus, so I decided to bring it along with me. Little guy came so far, and came out stronger than before. I figured that that's another thing that reminded me of you..." Roman said, placing the flower behind his ear like before. "So will you?"

"Roman- I- Of course I will! Oh my god!" Virgil leapt into Roman's arms, their lips touching once more before he pulled away again, giggles leaving both their lips as they looked into one another's eyes. And in that moment...

Everything was perfect.

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