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Welp! It's been a fun journey you guys! Full of judgement, and crap. Kinda like the last two chapters. XD Anyway! Here's the last one then! :)

And a Merry Merry Christmas to you all! :DD

Chapter Summary:
A couple of years passed by after Roman and Virgil got together, and today's the day we celebrate the holy matrimony of one adorable couple!

Rating: Teen

Word Count: ~

Warnings: Swearing! And nothing anymore! :D

A/N: And we have reached the end! Welp, hope you guys like this last one! It's just so full of fluffy goodness so... Enjoy! :D

—– —– —– —– —–

Virgil stood at the altar, a wide smile on his face.

He couldn't believe this is happening, but it is, and he was prepared. Has been for a while now.

It's been a couple of years since he and Roman got together, and everyone was happy for them, mostly his brother Patton, but he wasn't surprised.

And now here he stood, next to his brother, awaiting the "I do"s and the reception, mostly excited to finally get to eat.

He glanced at Roman, a light smile on his face as he saw him smiling up at the priest.

"I do."

Virgil's head snapped back up, smiling as he heard the two glorious words. And now-

"Do you, Patton Sanders, take Logan Quin as your lawfully-" The priest began, only to be cut off by his brother practically shouting, "YES!!! Ahem, I mean, I do."

Virgil noticed Logan crack a smile, a loving look in his eye as he seemed to suppress a laugh, looking at Patton.

"Well, okay. I now pronounce you wed! You may kiss the groom." The priest said, smiling as Logan and Patton shared their first kiss as a married couple.

"I'm so proud if them." Virgil quietly said, mostly to himself.

"Indeed you are." Roman responded, having heard him, as he wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "And what a lovely day for a wedding."

Virgil smiled up at him, kissing his cheek as the wedding bells rang, the sun's rays peaking into the church.

Yes, it was a good day for a wedding.

--- --- ---

"Excuse me everyone." Virgil said, catching people's attention.

They were at the reception, everyone was cheerfully chatting with one another. That was until Virgil had gotten their attention.

Virgil glanced at Roman, his anxiety flying through the roof. Roman gave him a thumbs up and an encouraging smile, to which he smiled back.

He then took a deep breath in, swallowing his anxiety, before speaking up.

"Hey everyone. First I would like to thank you all for coming to my big brother's wedding. Means a lot to him, I'm sure. Logan- you better not hurt my brother or else!"

A series of laughter followed, as Logan laughed along calling out, "Wouldn't dream of it!"

"Okay, okay. Yeah. You're good. So today, I would like to propose a toast! Congratulations Logan and Patton. I wish both of you a happy and fulfilling life!"

"Aww! Thanks kiddo!"

"Yeah, so I didn't plan on getting sappy, but I would like to thank you. Both of you. You guys helped me realize that it's possible for me to find actual love." Virgil paused, glancing at Roman before turning back to the newlyweds. "Well you and our parents of course, mom and dad are just so close, and I'm not entirely surprised by this."

A few laughs here and there, before Virgil continued again.

"Point is, I'm glad you and Logan have each other. You've no clue how long I've been waiting for you to get married, and now that it's actually happening. I'm very happy for you."

"Love was never really a concept I liked looking into, and you all know why that is. But I suppose sometimes it's worth the risk."

"I always saw marriage as this big thing that involves contract and commitment, and maybe also imprisonment, but then I look at our parents, and I look at you, and I realize that, maybe marriage isn't all that bad. Getting to spend the rest of your life with the person you love? Seems like a legitimate concept if you ask me."

Another small round of laughter followed.

"Now, I don't mean to steal the spotlight from you guys, and you know that as I told this to both of you a couple months ago." Virgil said, he was getting nervous again, but the newlyweds both gave him a light reassuring smile as Patton nodded in his direction, asking him to continue. "But I probably won't want to wait any longer for this so..."

Virgil took in a breath before turning to Roman, who had a questioning look in his eyes.

"Roman, my prince..." Virgil began, his nerves an anxiety beginning to claw up his throat. But he couldn't let that win, he's committed, he has to do this. "I know it's only been a couple of years since we started dating but, we've known each other for around 10 years at this point. Roman, I've always known that there was something different about you, something that I never expected to figure out. It took me 8 whole years to figure out, but when I did, I confessed. And you accepted. We've still lived normally after that, except you weren't pining after me anymore, and the obvious couple things that we did every once in a while... Sorry, I'm going off in a rant again."

The crowd chuckled at that, but remained curious at what was happening.

"Point is Ro, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you in the same way my parents do, and my brother and brother-in-law have just done..." Virgil knelt as he continued, pulling out a ring from his back pocket. "I actually put a lot of thought into this and, yeah..." Virgil held up the ring, a black metal ring with white vine like art around it. Roman gasped as he saw it– the first gift he's given Virgil, when they'd first offered his friendship. "By the look on your face, I can tell that you remember this ring as the ring you gave me in exchange for friendship, and now I offer it back to you, in exchange for your hand in marriage... If you accept?"

Roman felt a tear roll down his cheek as silence proceeded. It felt like an eternity, until-

"Yes... Yes yes yes!" Roman happily exclaimed, pulling Virgil up and making him sit on his lap, as he kissed him as the crowd cheered around them. "I will marry you..."

Virgil smiled at that kissing him again. "Glad to know." He responded as they pulled away.

"Congratulations!" Someone had exclaimed, but the two were too caught up in their own little bubble.

"I love you Vi."

"I love you too."

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