Chapter 9

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Not Helping

Chapter Summary:
Patton tries cheering his brother up by taking him to the mall, big mistake as they see Roman with Emile and Virgil assumes the worst...

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 897

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, will add more soon.

A/N: Hello again ladies, gents, and non-binary friends! Here's another short one! Hope you enjoy it! Tho this chapter may infuriate you a little bit... With the end bit...

This chapter gives some background on Logicality btw! Just a bit of a heads up! :)

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It's been a couple days since Virgil saw his ex again.

And frankly, he wasn't doing all too good...

Logan and Patton noticed this and decided to attempt to cheer him up, well, more like let Patton cheer him up as Logan claimed to be bad at comforting people sometimes.

And so, Patton ended up deciding to take him to the mall, which led them to where they are now.

"Aw, c'mon kiddo! Cheer up! I'm sure that whatever's troubling you, will eventually go away! Just know that you'll always have me to talk to alright?" Patton said, clinging onto Virgil's arm, who didn't entirely mind, having been used to years of his older brother hugging him.

"Yeah, I know..." Virgil replied, a small smile on his lips.

"Ooh! Let's go buy some ice cream! Then maybe you could help me with the groceries?" Patton asked, already dragging him to the ice cream parlor.

"Sure thing Patt." Virgil replied as he went along.

Patton got himself a strawberry ice cream, while Virgil got himself a cookies and cream one. As they were walking, Patton told Virgil a few stories about what he's been up to for the past few years that they hadn't talked about through phone calls.

"Which reminds me, we need more ingredients for cookie dough, and a few more jars of Crofters! Anything you want kiddo?" Patton asked, nudging Virgil.

"Well, I need ice cream." Virgil pointed out, having finished his tub of chocolate ice cream yesterday.

"Okay, I'll add that onto the list then." Patton replied, taking out his phone and typing a little bit before putting it back in his pocket.

After that, silence grew between the two brothers as they ate their ice cream, the noise of the people in the mall being the background noise as Patton happily finished his cone, Virgil only being halfway done.

"Patt? Can I ask a few questions about your relationship with Logan?" Virgil asked, not being able to take the silence.

"Sure thing kiddo! What's on your mind?" Patton asked.

"Well for one, how did you know it was love? And were you already in love when you kissed him? When you guys got together?" Virgil asked.

"Well, to answer the last question, no. I didn't love Logan yet when we began dating, it was only just a crush, I liked him a lot. What got me to fall for him was getting to know him. I got to see all different sides of him and I slowly started falling without realizing it." Patton said, a smile on his face. "It took a while to figure out, that I was already in love with him, that I accepted him for who he is, all his sides, all his flaws and imperfections... I only realized that I love him one around a few months after we moved in, in our current apartment, we were standing in front of each other when it occurred to me, he had that soft look in his eyes, and he just looked so gosh darn beautiful, and I just couldn't help myself from saying 'I love you'."

Virgil nodded, as Patton smiled to himself, remembering the first time he'd met his boyfriend, saying the first thing that came to his mind, that being- "Hey! We have the same glasses!"

"Patt, did you think you ever stood a chance with Logan? Like, before you guys were dating..?" Virgil asked, a faint blush spread on his cheeks.

"Well, yeah! I had always doubted he'd like me back. Why do you think I didn't tell him, but I kissed him instead? I wanted him to remember me, even if he didn't like me back." Patton replied. "It's actually kinda overwhelming how quick feelings can be turned up. Especially if you've been bottling it for years only to accidentally break the bottle keeping them in... That being said, after he asked me out, my crush on him grew twice its original size! But despite it being overwhelming, it was also fun to experience. And well, you know the rest. What about you kiddo? How are things holding up?"

"Alright, I guess, but I sorta miss Roman..." Virgil softly said, looking up at the stores that they passed by.

"Actually, I wanted to ask about-" Patton cute himself short as Virgil froze next to him.

Virgil couldn't believe what he was seeing. Roman was sat at a cafe, with another person. This guy was wearing, what seemed to be, a light brown sweater atop a white collared shit. He had wavy pink locks, Virgil could tell he was wearing glasses judging by the dark thing sticking from in between his ear and head. He couldn't make out the face, as he was turned but he could bet that this guy was probably good-looking... Unlike himself...

He knew Roman would get over him quickly. How could he even like Virgil for so long? And now he's on a date with someone else, while Virgil watched from a distance, feeling his heart break a little more the longer he stared, but he can't seem to look away.

"Vi? You okay kiddo?" Patton asked, placing a hand on his shoulder, grounding him, taking him back to the solid reality.

"I-I just... I'm sorry Patton, but I can't..."

And as those words escaped his lips, he ran.

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