Chapter 7

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Bittersweet Kisses

Chapter Summary:
Roman and Virgil share a kiss... But what happens after?

Rating: Teen

Word Count: from 731 to 1513

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cheating, panic attacks, along with a kiss at the beginning of this chapter, will add more soon.

A/N: Welcome back ladies, gents, and non-binary friends! Here's a short one! Hope ya'll like it...

Let the angst begin!!

— — — — —

Roman has dreamt of this moment for a long while now.

And that's not just exaggeration, he actually has dreamt of this moment plenty of times before, and he feared that at any moment, he'd wake up and this would've all just been a big cruel dream that his mind had played on him, all the romantic moments gone in an instant. And yet... He knew that it wasn't.

Virgil's lips were soft against his, as the other kissed him back. It wasn't forceful, it was consented, and Roman was glad that it was. This moment felt like a dream, feeling his heart's rapid pace as he carefully moved a hand down to the other's chin, the other hand moving to his neck.

Nothing could have ruined the moment, and yet, the bad feeling in his gut remained... And that was proven the moment they pulled away, and Roman spoke, without thinking, "I love you, Virgil..."

Virgil's eyes snapped open at the sudden announcement, a look of fear directed at Roman.

"You- what?" Virgil asked, his voice calm, yet holding a tone of fear in it.

"I- I'm sorry, Virgil... I love you.. I love you so much, Virgil. I have ever since we were in high school. I just didn't want to tell you." Roman confessed. "And I'm sorry for this, I'm so so sorry..."

Virgil heard enough. He pulled away from Roman, standing up from the bench, his hand on his mouth.

"Virgil?" Roman asked, his voice soft and calming, but his eyes held tears, and his tone was hopeful.

"I- I'm sorry Ro... I can't- I have to go..." Virgil said, before running off, far away from said boy, as the flower was removed due to the sudden fast pace, the wind blowing it around in the air.

"Virgil..." Roman softly said, letting his tears fall.

He knew he fucked up... Badly.

--- --- ---

Virgil sighed as he waited for the bus.

Why did Roman have to confess? Why did he even allow him to kiss him in the first place?? Virgil wasn't supposed to be feeling this. He isn't in love. No! He doesn't want the past to happen again.

"If there's a prize for rotten judgment
I guess I've already won that
No guy is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history; been there, done that" He softly sang, mostly to himself. Agreeing that that kiss was a rotten decision on his part, and he really shouldn't have agreed to it.

But despite the past, Virgil found himself thinking back to Roman, the close proximity of their faces. The fast paced beating of his heart and those captivating golden brown irises...

"Who d'you think you're kiddin'?
He's the earth and heaven to ya
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through ya" He could almost hear his friends singing in the background, snapping him back to his own reality as he shook the thought off his head.

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