Chapter 1: Katniss' POV

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A/N If you have read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins then you already know everything that happens in this chapter, unless you need a recap you can skip this chapter and still understand what is going on throughout the story!!!

Hope you guys love it!


I woke up with a jolt.

Judging by the sun in the sky I could tell that I had over slept by maybe thirty minutes. I quickly pulled on my hunting outfit and kissed Prim on the forehead before leaving. Foot over foot, I ran towards the electric fence. Me and my family live in district twelve so the fence is almost never powered up. I hopped through a gap in the barb wire fence and ran into the woods to find my bow and arrows. Hunting and really going outside the fence was illegal so I had to hide them. When I finally found the hollow tree I kept them in I didn't waste any time in the category of hunting. Surprisingly I found a turkey waddling around in the woods, and targeted my arrow at it. Before noon I had three Turkeys and a few different berries to take to the black market known as the Hob. I sold the food for a descent price and looked for something for prim, my younger sister whom I loved dearly. I quickly came across a golden pin.

"How much?" I asked the woman.

"You keep it, it's yours." She told me

"Really?" I asked and the woman nodded. "Thank you." I said and quickly left to go get ready for the reaping.

When I finally arrived back home my sister was waiting for me.

"Where were you?" asked my mother.

"That is none of your concern." I told her while fixing Prim's dress. "You look gorgeous!" I assured her.

"I-I picked something out for you too, Katniss" my mother told me. When I walked into my falling apart room, my mothers beautiful old dress was on my run down bed. It was a very light shade of pink that was almost white. I showered in the poorly warmed water that my district had and got dressed. When I was out, I towel dried my hair and my mom pinned it up in a twisty braided bun. I gave Prim a pep-talk and we slowly walked  towards the justice building. When we checked in I had to comfort Prim about getting blood drawn then I told her to go sit with the younger kids while I found Gale, my hunting buddy. I never did see Gale until the reaping actually started.

"You okay?" he mouthed to me, and I nodded. Finally after maybe thirty minutes of waiting our escort Effie Trinket she appeared.

"Welcome! Welcome, welcome." She said in her high pitched voice. She had on purple lipstick and golden lipgloss her eyelashes were painted purple as well. Her hair, or wig maybe,  was perfectly white with almost a powdery effect of purple dye. Her dress was way over the top I think she wanted to look like a flower patch. Purple, purple, purple. She showed us a video regarding the late district 13, that was defeated during war. They say we're lucky that it wasn't us.

"I just love that!" Effie told us and I rolled my eyes. "Now time has come for us to select one brave young man and woman for the honor of representing district twelve in the 74th annual hunger games!" She really emphasized the word honor, it was kind of funny how stuck up she seemed!

"As usual! Ladies, first!" Effie said as she walked over to the woman's bowl filled with every girl between the ages of 12-18 that lived in district twelve. She slowly swirled her hand in the huge clear bowl and picked up a card. Afterwards, she walked back over to the old fashioned mic.

She rapidly opened the card, and read off the name, "Primrose, Everdeen!" She said with a smile that stretched all the way across her face. My heart pounded in side of my ears and tears threatened to fall. The crowd of girls all cleared a path for her. She slowly got to the isle set aside for walking. I quickly pushed my way through the crowd onto the isle.

"Prim! PRIM!" I yelled, she quickly spun around and started to run to me but a group of peacekeepers stopped me and her. I pushed my way around the peace keepers.

"I volunteer! I volunteer." the peace keepers let go of me and I brushed off my dress.

"I volunteer as tribute!!" I finished.  Prim was screaming no at me. "Prim go find mom" I told her my voice shaking. "Go find mom!" I told her again. Gale had to pick her up and carry her over to her.

"Well! I think we have our very first volunteer! Come on up sweetie!" Effie said cheerfully. I slowly made my way up the stairs and towards the microphone.

"What's your name sweetie?" she asked.

"Katniss Everdeen" I answered.

"Well I bet my hat that was your sister!" I nodded.

"Let's have a big hand for district twelves first volunteer!" Instead of everyone clapping someone started a three finger salute. You press three fingers to your lips and hold it up in the air. It means goodbye, goodbye to someone you love.

"And now, the boys!" She did the same for the boys as she did girls. " Peeta Mellark" I closed my eyes. Not him anyone but him! Peeta saved my life once and If I want to live I have to take his?!

A/N So now that you guys know the back story the real thing can start!!
Hope you guys love it!
-- 13Fire

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