Chapter 10: Katniss' POV

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A/N Sorry I haven't written in anyone else's POV besides Katniss' recently, it just hasn't seemed right to put in a Peeta or Cato POV yet. I think I'll do Cato next, but I'm not sure..

XOXO - 13Fire


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I quickly looked around the area, we were outside. Only once before had the arena been inside. The light almost blinded me, so I had to lift my hand above my eyes to see. We were all spread apart in a circle with the cornucopia in the center. My eyes skimmed it to see if there was a bow. If there was I couldn't see it. I could tell my face looked shocked. We had thirty seconds before we could jump off of the platforms we were on or we would be blown sky high. The next thing I looked for was where we were exactly. There were beautiful rolling hills all throughout the arena or at least as far as I could see. There were also small patches of green forest maybe every twenty to thirty feet apart from each other. Each patch seemed to be about the size of half a football field. Peeta and Cato! My eyes frantically searched the platforms for Cato, and Peeta. I couldn't see either of them. Clove was to my right and Rue was on my left. Marvel and Glimmer were both fairly far away from me as well, but at least I could see them!

10, 9, 8

Come on! Where's my effing bow?!

7, 6, 5

It has to be in the center of the cornucopia where I can't see it if its any where!

4, 3, 2



Into the bloodbath I go!

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A cannon sounded, and I jumped off of my platform, sprinting to the cornucopia as fast as I could. Foot over foot it took me about twenty strides to get to it. My eyes scanned the clutter. No bow. My hands reached out and started pulling weapons and food away from the pile. When I finally found it, it was below everything else that was laid out. My fingers some how clasped around the silver medal bow. I had to bend over to pull it out, so I did. The second I got out my bow I felt something skim across my cheek and turned around. It was Clove. She threw knife after knife but thankfully I knew how to dodge her throws. On reflex I grabbed an arrow and nocked it. I then, quickly pulled the elastic wire backwards and released. I watched it fling directly into her throwing arm, and smiled. I slowly walked away from the pile and toward her, luckily no one had seen me hit her, so no one knew my skills yet. We were on the back end, and most of the people over here were dead.

"You really shouldn't sneak up on me!" I growled and pulled the arrow out of her arm. She screamed in pain and I cleaned the arrow with my shirt and threw it back into my Quiver. "Now, let's go find Peeta and Cato." I said grabbing her good wrist. Clove helplessly searched the cornucopia, probably looking for more knifes to stab me with. I was about to give up hope in finding Cato and Peeta when I heard a scream, coming from inside the woods. My face turned toward Clove, she looked worried, almost as if she knew exactly who was screaming.

I can't just leave her here!

"God Clove, could you be anymore helpless?" I asked kneeling beside her. I quickly searched two backpacks and finally found cotton gauze.

"Why didn't you just kill me?" She asked me while I carefully wrapped her arm in the gauze.

I shrugged, "I guess cause we're allies. But next time you throw a knife I'll shoot my arrows." I told her smiling slightly.

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