♡Chapter 8♡

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Omg what do we do??? Um... um... "or what potter?" Draco asked again, "Harry please don't do anything stupid." I exclaimed, "No that's Neville's and he should not be touching some one else's belonging!" Said harty. "You know your right there Potter... so stop taking what is mine! And stay away!" Draco stated angrily, "Im not taking anything from you Malfoy! I would never!" Replied Harry.

Draco looked at him with his signiture smirk, "well you sure are taking someone from me right now! And she's standing right NEXT TO YOU!" Draco shouted frustrated, me? But im just plain old y/n? Wait... does he like me... noooooo...... maybe.... i dont know! I mentally fought with myself.

"Leave me alone in this ok! Now please just give me Neville's Rememberball. Please Draco." I begged too tired to fight JUST for a toy. "Are you siding him now Y/n! I thought you were on my side!" Reminded Draco, "i am in neither side i just want you two to stop before both of you do anything stupid alright." I argued. Draco still didn't give the ball to me.

"Well if you want it come and get it!" Draco hopped on the broom and flew up easily. "Harry do not think about it. He knows how to fly and you don't!" I told him but he didn't listen and just continued to try and fly his broom. I hopped on my broom easily to catch anyone who will fall. Then suddenly Draco threw the Rememberball and Harry soon Chased it like it was the only chocolate left in the whole wizarding and muggle world.

You stupid child i said in my head. I flew as quickly as i can to catch up with Harry. Soon the ball was about to get smashed on a widow. Like a cheetah in the air, Harry and I caught the ball just in time it was about to crash by the window. I was so happy of this but soon my smile turned to a frown. We were mid air in front of Professor Mcgonagall's office, when she saw us... she did not look satisfied. Ugh all this trouble for a stupid Ball! Mum is so going to be mad.

We flew back down to the group of students cheering for Harry and I but soon died down when Professor Mcgonagall called for Harry and Me, "Mr Potter and Ms Slytherin. Please come with me."

We walked behind Professor Mcgonagall as quickly as we can, trying to catch up with her pace. "We are so doomed!" I whispered yell to Harry.

We stopped infront of a classroom, which was the D.A.D.A class, "Im sorry to interrupt Professor, but may I borrow Wood and Flint for a minute." Asked Mcgonagall. The teacher nodded in approval and soon two older years appeared infront of us. "Wood, Flint... i think I found you two a new seeker!" Excitedly exclaimed Mcgonagall.

Me and Harry both looked at each other in bewilderment. "Wa-wait... you mean Us! Two first years in quidditch? Your not joking right Professor?" I asked her still not believing what is happening. "I must say, both of your skills in flying and catching that rememberball is impresive" complemented Mcgonagall.

I smiled like an idiot, so did Harry. Both of us was happy about this... but thing is, quidditch is a rough game, its fun... but rough. Im going to get hit by a bludger i bet ya. One part of me said I bet your going to break our bones Another replied Oh do shut up both of you... wait... im having a three way conversation with myself! I laughed out loud which Harry looked at me like i was mental, which i am not.

-timeskip brought to you by Drapple♡-

Word spreaded fast here at Hogwarts and soon every one -ghosts, rats, spiders, witches, wizards, magical creatures... EVERYONE!- found out about Me and Harry being the new seekers.

"Hey there my little sis. Im so proud of you getting in the quidditch team!" Complemented Jack, "yeah..." "were so.." "proud..." "Of you" said the twins. "You know Jack here didnt even get a chance to be the seeker." Stated Cedric. I smiled up to him observing his beautiful features. "Looks like... " "y/n has a..." "CRUSH" said both of the twins.

Wait me???? My face turned tomato red... no... the deepest red on the world, "What! No! Y/n will not have a boyfriend! Especially him!" Pointed jack to Cedric.

"Oh i can't have a boyfriend, but you can make out with your girlfriend senseless?" I questioned him whilst smirking. "OMG TMI! Y/N TMI!" all three said disturbed of what i said when Jack just blushed furiously. I shrugged my shoulders and said it's true.


After all my classes i can finally rest... well not really, i still have homework from Professor Mcgonagall. I sat on a chair and placed my books and necessity on the table and started to work seriously.

Why are these questions sooooo hardddddd like seriously... ughhh I banged my head on the table frustrated at the amount of work i have. "You should stop that... it'll only give you a headache." Said an annoying voice, i look up to see Draco in normal attire and a messy hairdo.

I must say he looks good with messy hair. "I thought you don't care for me Draco... go find your girlfriend, bet ya she's been dreaming of you." I said emotionless.

It happened all too fast, Draco was now on top of me and i was laying down on the ground breathing heavily. The fire place warming up the whole place Gosh its already too hot The Slytherin common room empty except of me and Draco.

"You should know i only like one person y/n." He said, his nose almost touching mine. "And who is that draco? Huh? Is it Pug face?" I ask him impatiently.


Hello my dear readers, sorry for taking for-EVER to update but I was too busy with schooooooooooollllll woooooooork! Ugh... but i took my time to FINALLY get a reader and Draco time in this story. I hope you like it and i kinda ended this in a cliffhanger... you never know what he'll do...😏😏😏

This chapter was 998 words not including this part... so i hope you like it and...



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