•Chapter 32•

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AN: ok before I start... spelling isn't my greatest... i dont know but im not good at spelling... my friends and I just found out how to spell kindergarten properly... we thought it was a d not a t... so... yeah! Enjoy!

Ps!: For some readers concerned there won't be a Draco x reader moment or a Harry x reader... This story is called "Falling for three" for a reason! So my dearest readers! Hang on tight!✌️

Y/n's POV

I look up to who it is and i face his angry face glaring at Harry. He hid me behind him and stepped closer to Harry.

"What do you think you're doing potter? It's a trouble enough for me to watch you be close to her and now you're trying to steal her from me? Replacing her bestfriend?" Draco angrily questions Harry.

I step out of his shadows and face him pushing a little further away from Harry.

"Draco, could you just stop! What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be in class?" I ask him. He looks down to me with a questionable look.

"You're asking me what im doing out? What about you? What are you doing out here hugging potter?"

"Don't answer my question with a question! Ugh! You're so frustrating! Answer my damn question."

"I was told to get something by a teacher and then i saw you hugging Harry."

"So? What does that have to do with you Malfoy?" Harry butts in, i stood in between the two boys pushing them apart. Those two are definitely going to fight and im loosing my stupid strength. I was about to get squished between the two boys until i heard my saviour.

"Hey what's going on? Why are you two making y/n suffer?" The two boys settled down which allowed me to rest and turn to see who it is.

"Cedric! These two needs to stop fighting. Help me please." I pleaded to him.

Hold up! What did i just say? I sound like a child!!!

Harry and Draco both stood apart glaring and scowling at each other. I sighed and face palmed myself. These two are acting like children geez.

"What are you all doing out of class?" We all turn to Professor macgonogal.

"Sorry professor, Headmaster Dumbledore told me to take a rest, so i was on my way back to my dorm..." i reason out, Professor just walked closer to me with her eyebrow raised.

"Then why are you not there yet?" She question.

"I... I came across y/n Professor, so i asked her a question..." Harry continues on. Then Professor looked at Draco with her arms crossed demanding for an explanation.

"I was told to get Professor Snape, Ms hootch (AN: wahh dont yell at me... i forgot their names!!!) wanted Professor snape... then i came across harry and y/n and i asked them what they were doing out." Draco passed the questioning and now Cedric was the only one left.

"I had a free period Professor, so i thought of going to the library when i came across these guys and i asked them why they were out..." Cedric lied a little...

Professor Mcgonagal stared at us all, she huffed out and said, "alright, but i want you all to go to wherever you're supposed to be." With that we all scurried off.

"If i see you four again that's detention for you all. Cleaning the great hall." She threatened.

Great... so close to getting detention...

(Time Skkkiiippppp!!! The moment has beguuunnn!)

Today Cedric and Harry are faced with the first task. I walk with Hermione towards the champions' tent (AN: IDK dont yell at me🥺 im practically winging it now) We both stand side by side looking for ways to get in.

I turn to look at Hermione and she just looks at me then the tent.

"I dont know Hermione. I can't just barge in. Maybe we can peak through!" I suggest and she nodded in agreement.

Hermione called out harry and soon he came towards us.

"Harry? Is that you?" Whispered Hermione.


"Yeah" Harry replied, i scootch closer to the two and whisper to harry.

"Harry, can you tell cedric to come here please." He replied 'yes' and a few seconds later Cedric was standing opposite harry so I could see him.

Not caring anymore, I got in the tent and hugged him tight letting myself rest in his arms. Cedric felt warm and smelt like rain and fresh cut grass. I saw some of the other champions staring but soon minding their own business. Cedric and I stood by the table and Victor Krum nodded at me.

"I hope Im not disturbing" i say to him and he just replied with a simple no. I smiled at him again and he walked away.

"I got a letter from your dad Cedric. He's cheering you on so stay safe alright." I tell him and grabbed his face with both my hands making him stare right back at me. I smile at him and he smiled back. Cedric leaned closer to my face and softly kissed my forehead.

"Then cheer for me too." We both smiled at each other when we heard a flash.

"Young love." Says Rita Skeeter waltzing in the tent as if she owns it. "How... stirring" Cedric and I walked towards the scene walking behind Rita.

"If anything goes unfortunately today. You two may even make the front page" She smirks and Both Harry and Hermione looked pissed.

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions, and friends." We all look at Victor Krum, who's dangerously walking towards Rita.

The blonde reporter looked taken aback looking at Krum then saying, "No matter we've got what we wanted" then another flash came again. Capturing Krum, Cedric and I.

The fabric behind Harry and Hermione suddenly opens to reveal All the headmasters and Bartemius Crouch Sr.

"Good day champions. Gather around please. Now you've waited, you've wondered and atlast the moment has arrived a moment only four of you can fully appreciate." Dumbledore recites quickly glancing at Hermione then back to the four then once again back to Hermione.

"What are you doing here miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked.

"Oh sorry, i'll just go." Hermione leaves the tent but i stay still behind Cedric. I wave bye to Hermione and she tells me to follow her but i just stay.

"Barty the bag"

Barty Crouch Sr. Told the champions to gather around in a circle telling each where to be at.

Each of the champions placed their hands in the bag to get the dragon. He got to Cedric and a yellowish green dragon was on Cedric's hand. I look up to Him looking smug and just smirk remembering yesterday he was panicking like a child.

"The swedish short-snout" Barty announces. I hold onto Cedric's arm and he turns to me looking scared as if he's going to be eaten by the dragon.

"Cedric, you're going to do well alright. You're Cedric Diggory. You got this." I encourage him and he gives me a 'thanks'. I smile at him and Kiss his cheeks.

"The Hungarian horntail" We all turn to Harry who's everyone's attention is at.

"Good luck champions. Mr Diggory, at the sound of the cannon you may-" before Dumbledore could finish flinch started the canon and we all jumped from the suddenness.

Cedric Looked at me and i smiled at him mouthing He's going to win this. Cedric Walked out. We all hear everyone yelling Cedrics name which only added pressure to him.

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