•Chapter 30•

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As Ced and I walked together towards the Gryffindor common room, I suddenly had a flash back of before.

"Um... y/n..." he shyly said. "Would you... would you like to wear my scarf?"

Wait I've read this in muggle books, to were the guys ask the girl out. Is he asking me out? No... dont be ridiculous y/n.

"... its for me to know your cheering for my team!" He said too quickly. ''Alright I'll wear it." I happily said. I took his scarf and wrapped it around my neck. "Here I'll help you with that..." He Came closer and untangled the scarf to re-do it properly.

one minute past and my face if probably as red as a tomato.
i exited the stands and went toards the great hall. I see a figure who is cedric, i run towards him and hugged his back.

"Congrats Cedric! you guys did amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks, i could hear your cheers to were i was. Quite a surprise you still have your voice." He stated chuckling,

"Well Im shocked myself." I said.

I stared at his brown eyes and so did he. Our breaths become hitched and our faces came closer.
He looked down to my lips and come closer as if he is about to kiss it. "Y/n... would you like to come to Hogsmead with me?" he asked, still close to my face. I could smell his minty breath at this approximity, i noded a yes.

When i said it His lips collided with mine. His kiss was very gentle yet dominant, it yearned for more so i copied what he was doing. This went on for like forever until he broke the kiss, "That-that was my first ever kiss..." I stated blushing like an idiot. "Well im honored to have your first kiss."
"Hey there Y/n what ya starting at?" I turn to look at the handsome figure, "Nothing Much Cedric, Just thinking about school." He looks at me disbelieved, "Pfft You, thinking about school?" I plastered a shocked face on, "Im hurt..." Cedric puts his hands out and says "Hi Hurt, Im Cedric." I slap his hands away and just walked towards the exit of the school.
"Your lucky your good looking..." I mumbled, "huh? What did ya say there Slytherin?" He questions, "Nothing that concerns you Diggory."
"What if you don't  beat us?" I ask him,

Then I will do what ever you want." He replies back

What ever i want... hmmm

"But what if us Slytherins Lose?" He thinks for a while, then puts a STUPIDLY freaky smile on, "Then... You... Will... Do... Whatever... I... Want"

I think for a moment, "Deal!"
"Ok... so i know what i did... i know i shouldnt have done it and im sorry." Wait what is he talking about?

"I shouldn't have kissed you... i mean it was great for your age but i just felt like im too old for you and i feel like you can be my sister too." He said.

My heart didnt ache it just felt relieved wierd "Oh Cedric. Its fine don't worry ok. I feel like your my other older brother than a lover" i giggled at the end. We hugged it out and finally, something felt like it got lifted out of my chest.

"So... I want you to help me with something." Stated cedric. "There's this girl..." my eyes beamed with excitement, "...and i want to ask her to hogsmead with me. No offence y/n but... you can go with someone else." I roll my eyes at him for the second time today. "She is great and i need your help to set up something."
The day had finally come, Cedric asked the girl in ravenclaw to hogsmead and she said yes. I was so ecstatic and hugged both of them. Goodness i still remember what she said.

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