•Chapter 27•

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Please check out my other story "Guns and Cigarettes" thank you🧡🧡
Y/n's POV

Harry and I get to Potions, Ron and Hermione had a different subject right now. We get in class and sit next to each other comparing notes, "Why are girl hand writings so neat?" Harry asks, "Its a natural talent Harry. Plus we're good with our hands." I say, "Yeah but Hermione's handwriting can be compared to Ron's." He scoffs, "Intelligent people have messy handwriting because they have so many things going on their mind that their hand can't write it all down." I inform him.

Harry gives me a 'really' look, "no i actually dont know." I say and he chuckles.

"So how am I going to be 'Just Harry'?" He asks me, "I don't know. But you know when we were out playing with leaves and all..." i say as i look at him, he nods, "Well, That's what i meant. I dont want to be with The Harry Potter who is in his night and shining armour ready to save the day... i want to be with Harry who i can be comfortable with. Like that day." I say to him and he just stares back at me.

I hear snape come into the class and i start to gather myself up. Harry seems to not notice him and continue to stare at me. Snape saw this and hits harry with the note book he was holding, "Mr Potter. If you'd like to pass this class pay attention, Not continue like a love sick puppy." Snape warns and i snicker at Harry.

Harry pays attention now and nudges my arm as Snape writes something on the board, "It's all your fault." He whispers, "Um no its not, you decided to continue staring..." i hiss at him.

Snape stops writing and dramatically turns to face us, "Mr Potter and Ms Slitheryn detention!" He yells and i kick Harry's leg under the table which makes him groan in pain but stops the noise before Snape gives him more detention.

We stand infront of snap's desk to know when we serve our detention time. Harry and I had our hands full with our notebooks and looking at each other glaring.

"You two are fourth year... Talking in my class. You should know better." He says as he looks at me the longest indicating i should be better than this. "Im sorry professor, it won't happen again." I say and nudge Harry to say something since he's frozen like a statue.

"Im sorry too Professor." Snape looks at us both, "Detention time with me after you finish all your classes. Come back here and you'll be cleaning out this whole classroom." He says.

Harry and I walk out the class and groan out loud. "This is all your fault y/n." Harry says i hit his arms and say, "ugh. Says what now? Your responsible for your own actions harry. Dont blame it on me." I retort back.

"Ohhh look what we got here..."

"You two having a couples fight?" Asks Fred and George arms crossed and smirking.

"No. We're not fighting and not a couple." I inform them both but they both look at Harry with a facial expression that says 'really?' "No we're not..." he says, but at the end seems un audible.

"Well anyways, we're working on something..."
"We're planning to prank some of the girls from Buexbon." George says in a cheeky way.

I scoff at them and roll my eyes at their childishness. "You know, if you do that no girl will go to the ball with you." I inform them both

"Oh there are always girls. Dont you worry Y/n. You better find yourself a date rather." They tell me. I wave them off and continue towards my herbology class.

None of the trio had Herbology but Neville had it.

Amidst the crowds of students I could see a blonde hair from the distance. I continue to walk towards the hair because they're by my class door. Looking down hoping the person wouldn't see me. I hear them call out my name but i ignore them.

My arm was suddenly grabbed by someone and i turn to look at the person. He stared at me confused and hurt. "Y/n why are you ignoring me?" He asked.

To my surprise My mouth agape i stood frozen until the person asked me once again.

"Im sorry Ced i thought you were someone else..." i trial off.

He gave me a confused look but he soon caught up.

"You thought i was Malfoy didn't you?" He asked, i gave him a nod and he shook his head in disappointment. "Well how can this, look like that" he empathised the word This and That. I chuckled.

"Sorry Ced. Won't happen again. I think im just too tired thats why i got it mixed up. Anyways why were you calling for me?" I ask him.

He gave me a small shy smile. "I was just wondering if you'd join me for a butter beer tomorrow."

I smiled at him in return, "Of course I'll go. So what Gossip do you have for me?" I ask. But before he could answer the bell went indicating we were late for our respective classes.

"I'll tell ya tomorrow. Dont be late, now go." He instructs me and i rush towards Herbology and stood next to Neville and gave him a smile.

"So what are we doing today Neville?" I whispered to him.

Neville's an adorable friend of mine and he helps me alot and i feel sorry for him sometimes. "We're trying to find a water herb that can help heal wounds." He tells me in a whisper.

"That sounds useful. So have you found any?" I ask leaning on the table.

He suddenly looks interested and looked up to meet my eye. "Yeah. I found three actually. But i dont think they're going to do anything..." he trialed off sounding less enthusiastic as before.

"Well whatever it is I think you found the Perfect ones Neville." Encouraging him, because i know for a fact Neville is really great at Herbology.

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