♡Chapter 20♡

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(Just wanted put that there😂👆)
Y/n's POV

There, he stood in his dark, all mighty glory. Voldemort is back.

Well he isn't really standing he looks too weak and small....

Ugh way to ruin the moment! Like seriously every single freaking time!

Im sorry, im just stating the truth.

Guys shut up all right. Wait... im having a tree way convo with myself, ugh how weird.

"It isn't weird dear daughter. It's simply amusing." He meakly stated.

"O...k.. this is weird... Draco..." i looked at him and clung to his arms... too scared to let go cause of what i said, dang it every single time.

"What do you mean daughter? What your saying in your head? Or your father?" He asked dangerously. I hid behind Draco clutching his shirt, "th-the first one..." i whispered clearly scared.

"Don't worry, messiah will watch you for me my dearest daughter. But for now i mjst regain my strength." He said then dissapeared out of our sight.

"We have to tell Dumbledore Draco." I told him facing his shaken face. "No. We won't." I look at him disbelief. "What! Why?!" I asked him. "He won't believe us Y/n."

"Well im going to tell him, im not safe draco, im not SAFE! AND NEITHER IS HARRY!" i shouted at him, he held my wrist tightening his hold.

"You. Will. Not. Tell. Dumbledore. And YOUR MINE NOT THAT POTTER! WORRY ABOUT ME! NOT HIM!" He shouted back at me.

"Listen here Malfoy. Im not yours, im not Potter's and i WILL TELL DUMBLEDORE even if he doesn't believe me." I declared to draco as words sithe in between my teeth.

I ran toward Dumbledore's office and said the password. "Du-dumbledore sir... may i speak to you?" I ask him only noticing Professor Mcgonagall.

"Ah yes yes dear."

"Sir, i-i saw Him... in the slitheryn common room... with draco, he was there." I frantically said.

"What is she talking about Dumbledore?" Professor Mcgonagall asked.

"Him, professor?..." first confuse was the expression shown on Her face but then Changed to fear and shock. "That can't be him, Dumbledore... i thought he died... from what happened that night." She said.

"Anything is possible Professor Mcgonagall. Y/n why don't you go back to your dorm and we'll fix this alright. Your safe here in Hogwarts in my care." Dumbledore reassured me.

I headed out towards the slitheryn common room but i was stopped mid way when Harry pulled me over into a room. "Harry what are you doing? I asked him. "You saw him too right..." he said, "yes... don't worry i told dumbledore..." i said to Harry.

He gave me a smile but then it turned into a frown. "Im sorry but i heard what Malfoy said to you... im sorry if you feel that way, im not forcing you to give your whole life up for any of us to control... you know..." he said, "yes harry I know don't worry. And if i do get married when im older maybe... just maybe i may think i know who that person is..." i told him and gave him a kiss on the cheeks and bid him good night.

As i ran towards the common room all blushed of what i have just done i get on my bed and scream on my pillows in embarrassment.

'Messiah.... was that right for me to do? To kiss Harry on the cheeks?' I asked her. 'Missssss i can hear your heartbeat beatingggg. I musssst sssay im disssapointed but... if missss isss happpy then i am all ok with it.' She told me and wrapped her body around me for warmth.

I fell asleep in Messiah's warmth and dreamt about the two people thats making my life crazy... Potter and Malfoy.

It's me! Your lovely author! Ok jks... so i thought hey! What about if i just time skipped it to when they're older so i can actually get them to date! And yeah yeah i know... i suck at writing And spelling... but lemme tell ya it ain't my strongest point... ANYWAYS! So please give love and support to the story i wrote, 'Mine Alone' it's based on Beauty and the beast and yeah! Still it'll be irregular updates so yay!!!!

And as always wear your seatbelts!
-love d.r🖤

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