♡Chapter 9♡

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So close...

Ok everyone I have made this chapter Draco's POV so i hope you like it!

Draco's POV

At transfiguration class

I saw Y/n come into the classroom with a smile of her beautiful face. She was like sculptured by the gods. A face that didn't need fixing, a body as healthy as a person who has been exercising for years, and a smile that can make any guy fall in love with her.

I was hoping she could sit by me but instead she sat at the front empty tables. Gyole took the seat next to me disappointed, but at least it's not pansy.

Mcgonagall entered the classroom and taught us transfiguration...

This is so... boring! Ugh


We were all working quietly then two students specifically Potter and Weasley.
The two got scolded by Mcgonagall and took their seats. Sadly Potter took the empty seat next to y/n

Dont do anything stupid Potter!

After a few minutes of both of them talking Y/n side hugged Potter and Jealousy took over me. "Potter got himself a girlfriend. And she's a slytherin, not to make it worse an HEIRESS!" Stated Goyle.

You idiot you insulted an Heiress and my lov... what am i saying?

I glared at him and hit his head because of his stupidity.

I'll deal with you later

-♡ time skip brought to you by my countless sleep♡-

I followed y/n and Potter to the lake.

What are they doing here??

I watched them for a while conversing with each other. Then Y/n Hugged Potter and the most worrying thing was THEY ALMOST KISSED!!!

Potter you better not steal her or I'll kill you myself!

At this point i was furious at what i saw. So I already headed to Flying lessons and stood in between Crabbe and Goyle.

"Oh Draaaaacoooo... my boooooooo." An annoying voice said and soon Pansy came into view. "Move! You two imbiciles!" She pussed Both Crabbe and Goyle out of the way.

How is that even possible?

"Oh Draco I missed you. Where were you at lunch?" She asked, "its not one of your business Pansy! Leave me alone! Alright!" I said Angrily. She didnt listen instead she clung onto me like her life depended on it.

Finally Madam Hootch started class. I stood beside a broom close to Y/n. I stared at Her and Potter, what where they talking about?


"I want you all to listen very carefully alright! So now i want you to lift yourself up from the ground in the count of three. One... two... thre-" suddenly all students looked at Longbottom while he flies up in the air not in control of his broom. "Mr long bottom get down now!" Shout madam hootch, "I-I can't!" Replied Naville.

Hmpf what an idiot! Hahaha

Soon he flew all over Hogwarts in a crazy Manner. Then he fell down on the ground and everyone surrounded him.

I see something shining on the ground, i came closer to it and saw Naville's Rememberball.

"If he could just remember to fall On his fat arse." I chuckled and everyone looked at me while i throw the ball up in the air and catching it, repeating this.

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