♡Chapter 15♡

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Y/n's POV

I ran out to the forbidden forest, i look up to Dumbledore's office and i see him there watching me run away.

I kept running and running til my legs we're shaking, my body collapsed on the ground. Tears suddenly pool my sight i tried to stop it but i just let it be.

I clutched my necklace and asked for Messiah to come out into form. She slid down to my arm and wrapped her body around mine. She's keeping me warm out here.

"What can i do for you missssss y/n?" I sigh and hugged her closer. " i just never thought that... my dad isnt... my real dad." I confessed to her. "Im ssssory missss y/n but i new ssssomething about you being Lord'sssss Voldemort'ssss daughter. Infact i belong to hissssssss lord. My mother Nagini(dunno if that's the real name) issss your fathersssssss companion. Like me" she informed me.

Wait she knew?

Suddenly i heard a scream... is that Malfoy?

I went towards the voice and hid behind a large tree. I see Malfoy nowhere in sight and Potter down on the ground and someone wearing a black cloak. I couldn't see its face until abother figure came out. It was a man in a horse's body. After a few seconds of them talking Hagrid, hermione, ron and draco came in sight.

-time skip brought 2 u by, skool sucs unless its Hogwarts then its fine-

Its been 2 days. 2 days of me not talking to anyone. 2 days since i found out the truth. 2 days of me sulking.

I've had enough of this. Even if he's not really my biological brother he still is mum's son and he still is my half brother.

I got out and went to the great hall. I found my brother sitting next to his friends. "Look who finally showed up." Cedric said. I just rolled my eyes at him and went straight to hug my brother.

"Ewww..." "Family..." "Love" the twins commented together. I stuck my tongue out and asked for Jack to come with me.

We went out to a secluded place. "Jack... i know you know about me not being dad's daughter." I told him. "Y/n look. Even if your dad is him, dad always loves you no matter what." He said. I just hugged him remembering all those fun times we all shared.

After chatting with him we went back to the great hall. "Um y/n i think i won a bet here." Cedric stood up and went to my side. "Fineeeee. What do you want me to do?" I asked him.

"Ok... so i know what i did... i know i shouldnt have done it and im sorry." Wait what is he talking about?

"I shouldn't have kissed you... i mean it was great for your age but i just felt like im too old for you and i feel like you can be my sister too." He said.

My heart didnt ache it just felt relieved wierd "Oh Cedric. Its fine don't worry ok. I feel like your my other older brother than a lover" i giggled at the end. We hugged it out and finally, something felt like it got lifted out of my chest.

"So... I want you to help me with something." Stated cedric. "There's this girl..." my eyes beamed with excitement, "...and i want to ask her to hogsmead with me. No offence y/n but... you can go with someone else." I roll my eyes at him for the second time today. "She is great and i need your help to set up something."

Cedric told me the plan and we worked it out.

-time skip brought 2 u by 2018 youtube rewind(oh it was not my favourite)-

The day had finally come, Cedric asked the girl in ravenclaw to hogsmead and she said yes. I was so ecstatic and hugged both of them. Goodness i still remember what she said.

"... but i thought you two were a couple" said Ranie. Me and cedric just laughed at that, "oh my goodness... me and him" i pointed at cedric them at me, "a couple? Hahahahha oh... i should put that on my joke list." I laughed even harder, "Ranie, Y/n is like my own sister. Oh how funny. I should start calling her sweetie then" he said. Ranie was still standing there awkwardly, "Oh, oh i should call you honey then." We both just continuously laughed until it died down.

"Y/n!" I looked around for for the person who called me... and i saw....

Hello my dear readers... i thought "hey why not just leave it here" and i did.

So my lovelies, here is another chapter. I tought that i shouldn't make you and cedric a couple 😋 im sorry but he's alittle older. So from now on it'll be harry and Draco... maybe...

Im planning on putting more Hearts on this story. So please keep enjoying this story and... well just enjoy.
-love the author

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