•Chapter 23•

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Y/n's POV

4th year (I KNOW MAJOR TIME SKIP BUT I NEEDED THEM TO BE OLDER... oops forgot to turn caps off.)

Getting in the train trying to find a compartment i find one at the middle part of the train. I sit by the window seat, reminiscing about what happen on the quidditch world cup. Its odd for him to summon his minions... why would he... unless... "hey Y/n whats on your mind?" I turn towards the voice to see Hermione, "nothing much, how'd you get away from the other two?" I ask her jokingly. "Needed to use the bathroom, anyways. You do know Malfoy is searching for you." She informs me as she took a seat next to me. "Hmm... let him, im angry at him though." Fiddling with my necklace i turn back to the view passing by. "Why you angry at him?" Hermione asks, "its not like he ignored me. No. He just practically lied straight to my face. As if it matters though but when we were in the quidditch world cup he was such a jerk to you guys and I don't like that, he knows theres boundaries he shouldn't go to. Then after that he completely blamed me for something HE did which was set the tent on fire. But a few days right after that he came by my place to tell my mum more lies of what i supposedly did." I emptied out my thoughts as Hermione listened, "wow... Did he apologise to you?" She asks alittle hopeful, "no. That jerk has the decency to act as if he is my boyfriend too, you know just two days ago we were shopping for my books and a friend of mine talked to me and he and I just went for some drinks then Draco came in and started being rude to him! Like he hasn't done enough! I swear if i see his face in this train right now he'll be wishing that his father was really here." I take a deep breath in trying to gain my composure back.

Hermione sat there quietly and then hugged me saying 'He's not worth it' and i thank her. "So what happened on your holiday?" I ask her changing the subject, "eh you know, harry and ron getting into more trouble... boring stuff really. You know, there's always a downside of being Harry's friend but theres always tons of adventure." She confessed. "It's boring with my life though... except for the fact im His daughter but other than that im pretty much bored... mind if i start hanging with you guys? I just dont think it's best for me to stay with Malfoy's group of friends." I tell her, "of course! I'll always need a girl friend in the group, it's quite hard telling the guys girl stuff if they keep giggling and joking about it." Hermione replies. We continue to chat till we got to Hogwarts.

We arrive at school and began to walk towards our common rooms suddenly the neighing of horses could be heard and we all looked at the flying pegasus and soon a ship appeared from the ocean. 'Woahs' and 'ahhs' was heard from the Hogwarts students. "Who do you think that is y/n?" Asks Hermione, "Other schools perhaps?" I reply. We head our different ways towards our common rooms, as much as i am trying to avoiding Draco, i run towards my room and quickly close the door, i turn around and find the boys unpacking. "Um... you got the wrong room." One boy said, He was a year older than us, "im so sorry... bye." I dash off to the girls room. Oh dear, oh dear, oh.... dear... instead of avoiding Draco i go into a room full of boys... great! Sighing i sit on the edge of my bed then plop down summoning messiah, "that wasss a sight to sssee miss." She teased, "uh-huh and i wish i never did that. Ugh so embarrassing!" I tell her covering my face with my hand. "You ssshould unpack miss." I sat up and started to unpack my things and wore my uniform.

I put my (h/c) hair into a messy bun

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I put my (h/c) hair into a messy bun. I like my hair it's not too straight not too curly, just fine volume. (Image above just not the same hair colour... can be any you want.) getting my glasses i head to the great hall.

I see Draco sitting beside Crabbe and Goyle and blaise

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I see Draco sitting beside Crabbe and Goyle and blaise. I sit as far away as i could from them making me sit way at the front but not totally at the front. Bored as heck i place my chin on my hand and started playing with the strand of hair falling on my face. The students talking about until Dumbledore spoke up. "Now we're settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle won't just be your home this year, but also to some very special guests aswell. Hogwarts has been chosen..." He stops as filch informs him something, then awkwardly runs back. "So hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary the Tri wizard tournament. Now for yous who dont know..." then all the students began to whisper, i started to zone out since dad already told me about this. "...please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons and their headmistress Madame Maxi!" Girls in blue uniform, all beautiful, came in and started walking. The guys all look at them in awe obviously then they sigh and do a courtesy. Pfft... uptight princesses. I roll my eyes as they continue walking and sighing then being surrounded by freaking butterflies. Then a giant lady who seems like their head mistress came in and everyone started to point at her. When they finished their walk everyone clapped and the guys whistled.

Dumbledore stood on the podium once again, "please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and the high master Igor Karkarov!" The boys entered in uniform slamming their staff on the ground making sparks come out. If that was Hogwarts' boys then we'll-just be a laughing stock. Switching hands then doing some choreographed movement they all amaze boys and girls of their capabilities. Victor Krum and Igor Karkarov both enter the hall in powerful walk. A guy at the front blows up a magical Phoenix infront of Dumbledore and Igor hugs him like a long time friend. I stopped listening and started to play with my food, i glance up once and a while just to see if everyone was still here and i turn i see a guy from Durmstrang looking at me... atleast, i ignore it and turn back to my food, Draco wouldn't last a day in Durmstrang. Acting all mighty here in Hogwarts that jerk is just a tiny little ant amongst them.

I have this reoccurring feeling someone is staring at me, i search for that someone and i just see Cedric looking at my way. When our eyes met he mouthed an 'Are you ok?' And i gave him a tight smile and nodded, then turn to look at the teachers and find Hagrid Flirting over Madam Maxi, then i still see the same guy in Durmstrang staring at me. What a creep... oh shoot! He's staring at the girl beside me! Ohhhh!! Ahahaha! Oops. I wave at him then point to the girl next to me, he nodded in reply. I nudged the girl, "hey, that dude from Durmstrang has been staring at you for the whole time." I point at the dude and he smiles at her, "must be nice." I whispered no one hearing what i said cause they're all too busy of what they're talking about.

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