Ghost Housemate Part 2

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It has been a year since Stephanie has moved into the house. Every day is interesting with her around. The house felt more alive! No longer was I alone. I had a friend who cared for me. Along with a cat. I never had a cat before. Now Stephanie and I took on the responsibilities of cat owner together. 

Every morning she would wake up and find that breakfast was made for her. I, of course, made her breakfast! After all she allowed me to stay here even though I am a ghost. She would gladly eat and we would chat. Then she would set off to work. While she was at work I would take care of Skip. According to Stephanie Skip has gotten in more shape. Her theory is because I keep Skip on his toes. I give him a reason to chase, play, and be active. I also have been in charge of keeping the house clean while she has been away. The house looks incredible! It always makes Steph smile when she comes home to a clean house.

Every day she comes home and makes dinner. I don't eat but I always join her at the dinner table. At the table she tells me about her day at the office. Her co-workers come up often in these conversations. Often the names of Chris and Jason are repeated as they seem to be the ones who made her laugh. After she recalls her day at the office we sit on her couch to relax. Usually we watch some TV show, movie, or YouTube video. 

She would usually end up falling asleep on the couch curled up in a blanket. She would be so tired after her long day of work. I couldn't really blame her. She worked so hard every day. There were days I wished I was still alive. I could only help so much with my ghost powers. I could lift objects with my mind, pass through walls, and make lights appear. That last one was one I used to get Skip to stop being lazy. There were days where all I wanted to do was give her a hug. She deserved it. Alas all I could do was "carry" her to bed. I did that today. I put her in her bed where Skip curled up next to her.

"Matthew?" She called out in a soft voice.

"Yes?" I asked kneeling down next to her.

"Thank you. For everything." She replied giving me a soft smile before drifting off to sleep.

Being a ghost wasn't so bad if I could be there for her.

Hey everyone! I had this idea for a part two. Sorry if it isn't my best one shot. I wanted to write something although I know it isn't my best. I hope you enjoyed it regardless! I love you all and will hopefully update again soon. Bye!~ Gem <3

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