5: One Night

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Toni's POV

It's been a week since Cheryl kissed me and she still refuses to talk to me. She's being really stubborn and if she would just hear me out, she'd know I feel about her.

It was English class and the stupid project was due in a few days. Obviously Cheryl and I haven't worked on it and I really needed to pass this class.

Since she won't talk to me, I gave her a note right as I walked out the door.

I know you still won't talk to me. I don't really know what I did wrong or anything, but we really need to work on this project, so come over after school please. I promise we don't have to talk about what happened, or us at all, we just need to do the project. -Toni


Cheryl's POV

I was really debating whether or not I should go to her house. I know I asked her to be my partner and I can't avoid her forever, but I just don't think I can face her after what happened.

Toni's POV

I hear the doorbell ring and I quickly rushed to the door. I opened it and found Cheryl standing there, looking as beautiful as ever and walking in.

"Let's just get this over with." She scoffed.

How could she go from the nicest girl I'd ever met to icing me out. I promised I wouldn't talk about it but not knowing why we weren't friends anymore was killing me.

After about half an hour of working, Cheryl gets a phone call.

"I'll be right back." She goes into the other room and picks up the phone.

"Mother, you can't do that! Kicking me out of my own house because you want the whole place to yourself for the night, please. You think I believe that?? Are you serious?? Fine, fine. I'll find somewhere to crash for the night but if anything happens to Nana while I'm gone, I swear I will not hesitate to burn down Thistlehouse yet again."

She hangs up and quickly sits back at the table.

"Cheryl..." I look over at her.

"Yeah?" She says, not looking up.

"Are you okay?" I ask sincerely, only for her to shut me down.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Care." She spits out, finally looking at me.

"Cheryl... I'm never gonna stop caring about you." I grab her arm.

"Seriously Toni, I don't need this right now." She pushes my hand off her arm. I sigh and lean back in my chair.

"Okay... finally done. I'm gonna leave now." She gets up.

"To where?"

"No idea." She puts her books in her bag.

"Cheryl, do you want to stay here?"

"No." Damn, she's being really mean right now. I've never seen her like this. It's like she's a completely different person.

"Cheryl, please. Where else do you have to go?" I say. I refuse to give up on her like everyone else does.

"Nowhere." She sighed. "Fine. One night."


It was 8pm and Cheryl was sitting on my bed.

"You can have my bed. I'll be out in the living room if you need me." I say walking out.

"Toni. Wait." She says, right as I get to the door. "I'm sorry. For everything. I really appreciate you letting me stay here for the night." She says looking at me.

"Cheryl... I know you don't want to talk about it..." I sat next to her. "But what did I do? I mean we were fine and then all of a sudden you're ignoring me."

"I was embarrassed. I mean I shouldn't have kissed you at Pop's. I know you don't feel that way about me, so I thought it was be easier if I just didn't have to talk about it." She admits. "And my mother is making my life a living hell. I'm really sorry for being such a bitch but sometimes I can't help it."

"Wait back up. Why do you think I don't like you like that?"

"You didn't kiss me."

"That's just because I was shocked. I didn't think you liked me, it was so surreal for me."

"I'm confused now..."

"Cheryl..." I started, but instead of finishing, I just leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back immediately. It started off really slow, but slowly got more intense. After a while I pulled away and just stared into each other's eyes.

"Um... like I said earlier, I'll be on the couch if you need me." I smiled at her.

"Yeah... yeah... goodnight, Toni." She smiled.

"Goodnight Cheryl." I said, kissing her cheek and leaving the room.

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