12: Because I Have You

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Toni's POV

We just finished giving Sheriff Keller our statement and Cheryl and I headed over to Betty's.

We knock on the door and Betty opens the door.

"Cheryl? Toni? What is going on??" She asks, motioning us to come inside.

We walk over and sit on the couch across from Betty and Jughead.

"Is anyone else here, Betty?" Cheryl asks quietly, looking around.

"No... nobody else is here. Now what happened at the party?" Betty responds.

"Okay. So Toni arrived and Heather, as suspected got a bit jealous. I told her she had nothing to worry about and to just get some drinks. When she left I snuck upstairs to my bedroom and met with Toni. She was about to put the wire on me, when suddenly Heather burst in the room. She figured out what was going on and shocker... pulled out a gun. I tried to convince her I didn't tell Toni about Jason, but she didn't believe me. She was about to pull the trigger when Nana Rose came up behind her and hit her with a pan. It knocked her out so we hid her gun and locked her in the closet to wait until she woke up. That's when I called you, Betty. Toni looked in the closet to check on her and she didn't have a pulse. Nana Rose killed her. We called Kevin and told him I was cheated on Heather with Toni and when I told her she pulled out the gun. Then we kept the rest the same." Cheryl says.

"Oh my god. Heather's dead?" Jughead asks.

"Yes." I say, looking over at Cheryl who was looking down at feet. She started to nervously rub her hands together. I grab them and she looks up at me. "It's okay, Cheryl." I say softly.

"I know... I know..." She takes a deep breath. "I don't really know how I'm supposed to feel about this." She says, looking back down at our hands and playing with my fingers.

"It's okay to be upset, Cher. It's also okay not be upset. She did kill your brother, but at one point you loved her."

"Yeah... I just don't know if I'm upset or not."

"Okay, well that's okay too." I intertwine our hands.

"Okay. Thank you Toni. For everything." She says, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Of course."

"They are so cute, oh my god." I could hear Betty say to Jughead quietly. He nods in agreement and looks at me. I just ignore them though and look back at Cheryl. "I'm really tired." She whispers.

"Do you want us to stay, Betty?" I ask.

"No... no... you guys go on home, we'll be fine." She responds.


Cheryl's POV

When we got to her trailer my phone suddenly started blowing up. Clearly the story got out fast. I sit on the couch and start scrolling.

Veronica: So you were cheating on Heather? Cheryl why would you do that? I'm so confused about what's going on. Is Heather really dead?

Me: Yes Veronica all of that is true.

Veronica: Oh my god. I'm so sorry all of that happened. If you need anything, I'm here.

Me: Thanks. I'm okay right now, see you at school on Monday?

Veronica: Yeah.

I also got a ton of texts from numbers I didn't recognize. Most of them consisted of "murderer," "cheater," and "whore." Stuff like that.

Toni looked over at me. "Cheryl? What's going on?"

"What? It's... it's nothing..." I say right before she takes my phone from my hand.

"Who are these people?"

"I don't know them."

Toni's POV

I know Cheryl's pretending everything's fine, but I know this is really bothering her. "Cheryl, you're none of those things, okay? It's all gonna be okay. You can't believe what they say because they don't know the real you. I know you the best and I think you're amazing." She looks deeply into my eyes.

"I love you." She says shyly and softly. I put my hand on her cheek and lean in to kiss her.

"I love you too." I say once we pull away.

"And... I know I'll be okay, because I have you." She says leaning on me. I gently kiss her forehead as she drifts off to sleep.

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