2: Welcome to Riverdale High

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Toni's POV

To be completely honest, meeting Cheryl was the highlight of my first day at Riverdale High. In fact I couldn't stop thinking about her. It was weird, but bumping into her just felt, meant to be.

Other than her and the serpents, I didn't really talk to anyone else. Besides this girl, Heather. She was my lab partner, but I don't think she liked me that much.

I don't know what I'm thinking though. I mean Cheryl is probably straight and has a boyfriend.

I call Jughead to see what he's up to.

*phone call*

Jughead: Hey, Toni. What's up?

Toni: Nothing. I'm just bored. What are you doing tonight?

Jughead: I'm actually about to leave to meet Betty and her cousin at Pop's.

Toni: Oh okay. Have fun, I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Jughead: Actually T, do you wanna join us?

Toni: Yeah sure. Why not?

Jughead: Okay, I'll pick you up in five.

*end of phone call*


As Jughead and I walk into Pop's, my eyes immediately go over to the redhead sitting at one of the booths across from...oh my god... Betty. "Cheryl?" I say as we walk over to them.

"Toni." She smiles at me, scooting over.

"You're Betty's cousin?" I ask.

"Third cousin. I didn't know you were friends with Jughead or Betty." Cheryl said. Jughead and Betty just gave each other confused looks.

"Wait how do you guys know each other?" Jughead asks.

"We met today. I bumped into her on my way to first period." I reply with a small smile.

"Wow, what a small world we live in." Betty said. I nod in agreement. "So. Toni. How was your first day?"

"It was fine. I don't think my lab partner likes me very much."

"Who's your lab partner?" Cheryl asks.

"I think her name was Heather."

Cheryl choked on her milkshake as I said the girl's name. "Heather?"

"Yeah, you know her?" I ask.

"She's kind of Cheryl's ex." Betty says softly and my eyes widen.

"Ex? Like ex-girlfriend?" I ask, looking over at Cheryl.

"Thanks B." Cheryl said, a little annoyed. Betty smirked. "Yeah, we dated about a year ago. She cheated on me so I broke it off."

"Oh. I'm sorry Cheryl." I look apologetically at her.

"It's fine. I'm over it." She chuckles softly.


"Well it seems you and Cheryl got along pretty well." Jughead says once we get into my trailer.

Choni - Can't Hide My FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now