10: Party? Part 1

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Cheryl's POV

I've been fake dating Heather for a week now and oh my god. I completely forgot how much she annoys me. I actually can't stand her. I don't know why I ever loved her.

"Cher, can we throw a party?" Heather asks.

"A what?" I choke on my water.

"A party. Like here. Tonight. You're mom isn't gonna be home, so..."

"Yeah, whatever." I look down and continue reading my book.

"What's going on?"

"Huh?" I look up.

"Are you mad at me or something?"

"No, no of course not. I'm just tired." Tired of you. "You can throw whatever party you want, babe." I peck her cheek.

"Cheryl why won't you kiss me?"

"What? I just did." I'm totally avoiding any mouth-to-mouth contact.

"You know what I mean. Does it have to do with Toni? Are you not over her?"

"No. Of course I'm over Toni. But I'm heading over to Betty's in a minute so you should probably leave."

"Yeah, yeah okay. But we will talk about this later." She walks out of the house.

Thank god.


Toni and I met up at Betty's and the three of us sat in her bedroom, waiting for Jughead.

"Toni I need you to come to a party at my house tonight." I say.

"Cheryl... are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Okay... Heather is getting a bit suspicious because I'm not kissing her, obviously. I figure if you come to the party and I avoid you the whole time, she'll believe I'm over you."

"Okay. Yeah I'll go."

"I'll be right back, Jug just got here." Betty walks out of the room.

"Cheryl...are you okay? I know having to pretend to date the girl who murdered your brother can't be easy."

"No. It's not. But we've got to figure out a way to show the police she killed Jason." I sigh. "Thank you Toni. For being here. I know when you became my girlfriend this isn't what you signed up for."

"Hey... I don't care how hard it is. I want to be with you Cheryl. And we'll get through this." She leans in and kisses me. "I promise I'm never leaving your side." I smile at her and lean on her shoulder.

"Okay, let's figure out how we can prove to Sheriff Keller, Heather killed Jason."

*after an hour*

"Okay there's actually nothing." Jughead says.

"Wait, what if I can get a confession?" Toni and Betty look at me. "Would that be enough?"

"Maybe... since you're a witness too." Betty says.

"Do you think you could get it?" Toni says.


"I can probably get you a wire." Jughead says.

"We should do it tonight at the party, since if anything bad happens there's a lot of people around." Toni suggests.

"Okay, but Jug and I can't make the party tonight, so Toni'll have to give you the wire."

"Okay. This might actually work." I say.

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