14: Feeling Guilty

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Toni's POV

It was Monday. The first day back at school since Heather. Too be completely honest I have no idea how people are going to react towards us. I saw Cheryl sitting in the couch in the lounge. Betty, Veronica, and I went over to her. I sat next to her while the other two took the chairs.

"Hey." Veronica says, a little shaky. "How are you doing?"

"Fine." Cheryl says with no emotion. I look over at her.

"Cheryl..." I say.

"What?" She says.

"Are you okay?"

"I said I'm fine."

"Well you're clearly not."

"Just leave me alone, Toni." She snaps and storms out of the lounge.

What the hell was that?

I heard Reggie whistle at me. "Yo, Topaz. Don't worry, she's probably just finally feeling guilty for being a slut."

"Shut the fuck up Reggie." Betty yells.

"Call her that one more time." I get up and threaten.

"Your girlfriend, is a slut." He says.

I didn't reply, I just punched him in the face.

"What is going on here?" Principal Weatherbee says, walking up to us. "Both of you in my office now."


"Now what happened?" He asks.

"Reggie called my girlfriend a slut is what happened."

"She deserves it. If she didn't cheat on Heather she might be alive right now."

"You're serious!?"

"Yes. I loved Heather. I knew she always loved Cheryl but I was still in love with her. And Cheryl killed her."

"Cheryl didn't—"

"Okay look. Everybody is clearly still a bit shocked with Heather's passing, but we still need to be civil about it." The principal says. "You can't say things like that Reggie, and Toni you can't hit people. You're both suspended a week."

"What but she's the one who—" Reggie starts, frustrated.

"I don't wanna hear it. That's my final decision." He interrupts. I just rolled my eyes and left.


Cheryl's POV

I feel like an absolute dick right now. I just yelled at my girlfriend and then I overheard her tell Veronica and Betty she just got suspended for punching Reggie because he called me a slut.

I know I shouldn't have snapped at her this morning, but I'm taking this Heather thing really hard. I don't know why, I hated her, but it's really getting to me for some reason.

That's no excuse though. Toni's been there for me this whole time and I just took her for granted.

I went over to her trailer after school.

"Hey." I say as she opens the door.

"Oh, you're talking to me?" She says walking away from the door and sitting back on the couch.

"Listen, about this morning, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have just told you off like that. You were just worried about me and I just, I don't know what's going on with me."

"Come here." She says with a small smile. She lightly patted the seat next to her on the couch and I walked over. "You know you can talk to me, right?"

"I know." I cuddled up to her. "I guess I'm just still a bit shocked about the whole Heather thing. I'm more upset than I should be."

"It's okay, Cheryl." She says sympathetically.

"You're the best girlfriend ever, did you know that?" I look deeply in her eyes.

"Yeah." She smiles.

"I know what happened with Reggie."

"He totally deserved it." She says.

"You're amazing. I'm sorry you got suspended though." I kiss her once. "Really, I don't deserve you, Toni."

"Don't say that, you deserve the world, Cheryl."

"I have you. So I already have it." I say. She kisses me.

After we pulled away, she smiled at me and kissed my cheek, causing me to giggle. "I love you." I laugh.

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

"Whatever you say, Blossom."

Choni - Can't Hide My FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now