9: We Need Your Help

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Cheryl's POV

"What the fuck? Are you serious?"

"Yes. I can't do this to you Toni. I can't pretend I'm over someone when I'm not."

"Whatever. Fuck you, Cheryl." She storms out of the lounge as Veronica runs over to me.

"Um... what the hell was that?" She asks.

"I'm not gonna lie to her anymore."

"Does this have something to do with what Heather said to Toni?"

"No, of course not. But it does have something to do with Heather." She tilts her head in confusion. "I love her. I'm not over her. I know she cheated, but I can't pretend I don't feel that way about her." I say.

"You expect me to believe that?" She crosses her arms.

"Toni, she was just a rebound from her. Everyone I dated after her was a rebound. I'm in love with her."

"Cheryl... what?" Heather walks over to us.

"Veronica, could you give us a minute." I say as she walks away.

"I'm sorry for breaking up with you, H. I forgive you for Jason. I know in your heart, you love me."

"I do, Cheryl... I do love you." She grabs my hand.

"I love you too." I squeeze her hand. "I'm so sorry." I pull her into a hug.


Toni's POV

I was at Jughead's trailer when I heard a knock on the door. He opened it and Cheryl and Betty walked in.

"Toni? What are you...?" Betty says as Cheryl pulls me into a hug. "Umm... sorry... I'm confused... didn't you guys break up?"

"You guys broke up?" Jughead asks.

"About that..." I say.

"Yeah... that's why we're here." Cheryl says. "We need your help."

"Yeah, anything. What's going on?" Betty asks as we all sit on the couches.

"So first of all... what we tell you, you can't tell anyone. Okay?." Jughead and Betty nod. "So... Jughead... I'll fill you in. Heather... she murdered Jason." His eyes widen.

"The night of his death, Heather and I got into a fight. It was so stupid. I posted a picture with Veronica and Heather being the jealous freak she is, thought I cheated on her. I didn't. I was just over at the Pembrooke and forgot to tell Heather. Next thing I knew she pulled out a fucking gun on me. I saw Jason quietly walking down the stairs. I told her I didn't cheat on her repeatedly to stall as Jason creeped behind her. He stepped on a loose floorboard and she heard it... turned around and shot him."

"Cheryl... you-you didn't tell me that part." She looked at me, grabbed my hand, and continued.

"She bolted right away. I called the ambulance and told them what happened. Obviously they didn't believe me and some evidence turned up that pointed to my dad. I assume Heather framed him for it. After they discovered they couldn't save JJ, I ran over to Betty's and told her everything. I told everyone Heather and I broke up because she cheated on me, she told everyone we broke up because I cheated on her."

"Oh my god Cheryl... I'm so sorry." Jughead says sympathetically

"So why does she think you and Toni broke up? And that you love her?" Betty asks.

"She threatened to kill Toni. I knew she was serious. We staged that break up. We didn't tell anyone because we had to make it seem it real. I think she believed it, honestly. We're just going to keep letting her believe I love her until we figure out how to put the bitch behind bars."

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