7: I Believe Her

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Cheryl's POV

"Cheryl, Toni!!" I hear Kevin yell across the hallway as he runs over to the locker Toni and I were standing next to. "Is it true? Are you guys dating?"

"Yes, Kev." I chuckle.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so happy right now!!!" He yells hugging us and continuing to run through the halls.

"Well... I guess he's happy." Toni laughs.

"Yeah. I am too." I look at Toni, smiling.

She smiles and kisses me. She pulls away and I pout as she tries walks away.

"Cheryl... I have to go to class..." She softly chuckles.

"But I'm gonna miss you..." I whine at her.

"I'll miss you too. But I should go. See you later?" I nod right before she pecks my cheek and walks away. "Bye."



Toni's POV

"Hello TT." I hear someone say as they sit next me on the couch in the lounge.

"I told you not you call me that, Heather." I say not looking up from the book I was reading. She doesn't say anything else, just stares at me. "What do you want?"

"I heard you're dating Cheryl Blossom." She says fake smiling.

"Yeah, I am."

"There's something you should know about her."

"And that is?"

"That she's a psychotic, unfaithful, little bitch." She says as I finally look up at her.

"Excuse me? You cheated on her! What the hell did she do to you?" I yell at her.

"That's what she said happened?" She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. And I believe her."

"Maybe you should ask her for the full story. Or don't for all I care. Believe whatever lies she feeds you, but don't say I didn't warn you." She stormed off.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Cheryl asked, walking over to me.

"Don't worry about it."

"What did she do?" Cheryl grabs my hand.

"Nothing, Cher. She didn't do anything." I smile at her and give her a quick peck on the lips.

Cheryl's POV

I really wanna know what Heather said to Toni. She's never let me be happy with anybody. She always drives them away with her insane lies. I can't let that happen with Toni.

"Toni? Did Heather really not say anything?" I blurt out.

"She said you were a psychotic, unfaithful, little bitch." She sighs.

"She just always does this. Anytime I date anyone that's not her, she finds a way to ruin it."

"Well it's not gonna work with me, okay? I won't believe anything she says." I reassure her, by putting my hand on her cheek and rubbing it with my thumb.

I lean in and place a quick, lingering kiss on her lips. "Okay. Are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah. Yeah, let's go."

Heather's POV

I love Cheryl. And I don't give a shit if she doesn't love me back. But I will not let her ruin her life by being with that serpent. I know I messed up everything up with Cheryl, but there's gotta be something I can do to make her forgive me. If she doesn't fall back in love with me, I guess I'll just have to take some extreme measures to get rid of Toni.

I might not be able to update for a few days, I'm going to my friend's beach house and they don't have wifi or signal at all. So I gave you guys an extra chapter today. Sorry!!

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